Chapter 28

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Next Morning
Krisha dressed herself in a light pink kurti with matching accessories and not to forget her sindoor and mangalsutra is adding external beauty on her.


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She is determined to have a conversation with Nisha and took a half day leave from hospital.

"Ishu! Send a MSG after completing your work so that I can come back to palace", Mayur said after reaching their room as they just completed having breakfast.

"It's okay Mayur Ji, I will ask driver uncle to drop me at hospital", Krisha said not wanting him to be bothered because of her.

"Don't worry Biwi, We both will leave after having lunch at home itself", He said and she nodded her head.

"Bye! Take care", He said while kissing her forehead dearly.

"Bye! Drive safe", She replied. He nodded and left from there after grabbing his bag.

Krisha took a deep breath and made her way towards Nisha's room. Without knocking she moved inside and caught her listening to music with her headsets on.

"Nisha", She tried to grab her attention but that girl didn't heard due to the loud music pouring on her deaf ears.

"Nisha", Krisha being a person having a lot of patience called her again while tapping her shoulders lightly.

"What happened Krishu?", She asked innocently after keeping the headsets on bed and stood up.

Krisha was startled by her sudden change in behaviour. Why won't she? The girl who poured hot soup on her yesterday is talking completely sweet and suger now. The mere thought of her sister's transformation from bad to good is disgusting her like hell.

"Why are you doing this to me di?", Krisha asked slowly with soft eyes. Even though she is sad and angry on her,at the end of the day she is her sister and she wants to be nice with her no matter what.

"What have I done Krishu?", Nisha asked her again with fake innocence somewhat making her little sister angry.

"Don't act like you don't know anything. I have seen everything. You deliberately pushed that hot soup on me", Krisha said making Nisha shocked but still smirked knowing well that the drama requires   some manipulation.

"Oh so you have seen it. Then what's more you want to know my sweet little sister", She said with a suger coating voice but the venom is clearly visible in her eyes.

What do you want from me?", Krisha asked directly with glossy eyes. No matter what, krisha is a girl who is very emotional and innocent.

"MAYUR!", Nisha said making krisha's heart break into pieces.

" What did you said?", Krisha asked trembling can't able to believe her own ears.

"Yes! I want my Mayur back! He is mine! He is my fiance but you came in between all of sudden and made him yours", Nisha said angrily while pointing her index finger on krisha's face. Tears were flowing down from krisha's eyes after knowing the new obstacle in her life is non other than her sister.

"NO! You are taking it wrong. Me and  Mayur Ji are married now", Krisha said trying to make her stupid behen understand the situation.

"I don't care! I literally don't care about that stupid marriage. You Are Just A Replacement. A replacement done for saving family reputation and fame. Nothing more. Do you really think that Mayur will accept you as his wife. Don't fly high krisha, he is being good to you just because you helped them in saving their family reputation. We both know that Mayur agreed for the marriage which is with me not with you. Not having any options he married you just for family sake", 

Krisha's Pov

I want you to take stand for yourself. I want you to break all insecurities and fears. I know biwi, you will never leave me but still the world should know this. These words said by Mayur ji started ringing in my ears which made me concious and gave strength.

"SHUT UP", I shouted cutting her manipulated talks in middle itself.

"Don't! Don't dare to say something more", I said angrily while I can easily guess that Nisha is shocked to see me like this.

I never took stand for myself but for the first time I am doing it making her evil sister shocked. How can she think like this? How can she break her own sister's relationship with her husband? SELFISHNESS...

"Mayur Ji was your fiance but now he is my husband and I know it, he will be my husband forever. Neither I will leave him nor he does. So, it's better for you to move on from him and start your own life. Maybe, I am just a replacement for you but not for him or his family. Don't try to manipulate me and start trying to brain wash yourself for good", I Said sternly while glaring at her.

"Don't provoke me to do something bad krisha", Nisha said more like a warning which didn't bothered me a little. I know my husband will be with me no matter what.

"Nothing will happen till my husband is with me. I know he will stand for me and my betterment", I said seriously and left from there not even once I turned back to look at her face which is worth watching. I know so.

Back to author's POV

But the main thing is, everything happened in this room was seen and listened by someone.

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