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I stood up and went outside,giving a sign that I needed to talk to Stu. Everything was going good,just like we imagined and planned.

As i hoped,Stu came right after me,Y/N,Tatum and Randy still in the tent.

''Hey,So I guess we are doing good'' Stu asked cheerily.

''This is just the base Stu, just a warmp up, don't be happy,the main part has to be done.And has to be done perfectly'' I replied.

I don't want any sort of disturbance in my plan,everything needs to go smoothly.I hope Stu doesn't fuck up,Him pairing up with Tatum was a smart move.Tatum is dumb,I know Stu can fool her easily,I can't fool Y/N,so Stu gotta do the final part.I don't need to worry about Randy and Sam.

''Don't worry man, you got this covered,count on me'' He said getting up and going back in the tent.

I think I can count on him.Our target is just too dumb,good for a start.

I made my way back into the tent.

Y/N'S POV ☎️🔪

They both came back. Sam and me exchanged looks.

''Hey Sam,I will be back,gotta call Dad'' I lied,giving her a straight sign to follow me outside.

''Oh,last time he said he wanted to tell me something my dad told him,since then I didn't get a chance to talk to him,so I guess I will talk to him too'' Sam shrugged.

Nice play Sam.

She followed me outside and we both went somewhat far from the tent.

''So Y/N, what is it?'' She asked crossing her arms.

''Sam,I don't know I am getting a bad feeling about Billy and Stu, something about them feels off to me.'' I shrugged.

''You think too much Y/N, I understand they both are weird,and they are best friends,so they are alike and usually best friends act weird'' She laughed.

''Uh-huh?That's not an explanation'' I said,with worry in my voice.

''Y/N,take for us,they might be thinking we are acting sus'' She whispered.

''To be honest Sam,for us it's different,they will know later about it--''

''You are overthinking,because this is a new place,and you are worried about new people'' She said placing her hands on my shoulders and shaking me a bit.

''Maybe you are right,Stu is just a funny guy,and Billy is just...I don't know'' I stopped not knowing what to say.

''You know I think he likes you'' She winked and left.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑩𝒍Where stories live. Discover now