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Y/N'S POV ☎️🔪

Wait what? Red got killed? And they think I did it! My day can't get any better.

They think I killed Ruby? That's absurd! I mean, sure, we had our differences, but I wouldn't kill her. This is getting out of hand. How could the sheriff even entertain such a ridiculous idea? There must be some mistake or misunderstanding. But why would they suspect me? What evidence do they have? This is just insane! I need to clear my name and figure out who's really behind all of this, before things spiral even further out of control.

'' Deputy I really don't know what you're talking about, and Ruby got killed? '' I asked.

'' Don't confuse me Miss Hargrove, just come with me'' He said and I went with him in the office.

As I entered I saw Principal Himbry having his head in his hands, looking frustrated, near his desk was the sheriff, I bet he is a smart one.

Here we go again back to the principal's office. I can't believe I am here again. What now? More accusations? More interrogations? I hope this doesn't make me look more suspicious. I need to stay calm and composed, no matter what they throw at me.

'' So, it's always the new kids, huh. Seems like a pattern around here.'' Sheriff scoffed as he came towards me.

Seriously? Is he really joking about this? This is no time for sarcasm. If anything, it just adds to the tension. I hope he's not thinking that I am somehow involved because I am the new kid and also because I had a fight with her.

'' So why did you kill Ruby? Got a thing against her?'' He asked.

'' I think sheriff first you should find out who ACTUALLY did it, then ask me'' I force smiled.

'' We have a pretty legit reason to blame you Miss Hargrove'' He replied back.

'' You had a fight with Miss Campbell yesterday'' Principal Himbry spoke up probably making the situation more worse.

'' Doesn't mean I killed her. You don't even know what happened there'' I smirked.

'' What if you were triggered after what she did to you, and in your rage you killed her'' Sheriff said giving his stupid logic.

'' Sheriff that's a pretty lame theory you have with you. I don't have enough time that in rage I will plot a murder and kill someone. And why would I be triggered? She got defeated, and I was done'' I shrugged.

'' It doesn't mean you can't kill her. We have seen your records Miss Hargrove, you were kicked out of Windsor'' The sheriff said flipping through some pages which were apparently my records.

I can't believe this guy, his brain is probably cracked. Who made him the sheriff?

'' You got any proof? Any evidence which connects me to this all?'' I asked with confidence.

He went silent for a minute.

'' But we got eye witnesses'' He said after a moment of silence.

'' Huh? Who?'' I asked.

'' The cheerleading squad. They told us how angry you were at her, and you punched her real bad'' He stated.


'' Can't you see my face? And this bandage on my head, I was already hurt, you can ask Sam my best friend, she lives with me, I went to sleep in the evening, I didn't leave the house yesterday after school hours not once'' I told them hoping they would believe me.

'' Sam I believe is your best friend so she won't blame you'' The sheriff smirked.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? I looked towards Dewey but he had an apologetic look on his face.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑩𝒍Where stories live. Discover now