old quote collection pt2

25 2 9

note: idk anymore man

"it's the golden leaning khalifa of CN eiffel mahal of tower" - rotisserie chicken

"simplified version: abomination" - short guy

"t-rex = chicken" - fire bird guy

"gimmejollyrancherscuzimyourbestfriendorracist" - even shorter guy

"your skin colour is scrumdidlydumptious" - adoptive mother

"corrine, would you still eat it if [not-really-an-ethan ethan] licked it" "yes" "proceeds to lick chip" - fish/wifey/the not-really-an-ethan ethan

"if the area is bigger more people will visit" - smart guy #1

"y'know, [smart guy #1], you should really write that down." - september

"thats what he said" - september

"i actually died" - me

"oh i could only find the nutrition facts of 45 cookies" - rotisserie chicken

"we must blood sacrifice the paksum" - fire bird guy

"herrick whats your password" - september

"if i drink your coffee im sorry" - my teacher

"thats why obesity is a thing" - smart guy #1

"you're playing games" - september

"bro [smart guy #1] stop pressing the space bar- see you're playing games" - september

"wE'rE gOnNa bE gIVeN dIseAsES nOw?!" - rotisserie chicken

"that looks french" - short guy

"who said [anger issue ethan] had just one girlfriend" - that one guy on my bus

"[[rotisserie chicken] slurping noises] are music to my ears" - adoptive mother

"never in my life did i think i'd hear the words 'slay [mildly annoying guy]' together" - adoptive mother

"i need ideas" - me

"oh ummm famine" - smart guy #2

"define pantry food" - smart guy #2

"people: *casually exists*
that one fish in the river that gives you an omen: []" - fish

"does wordle look like you're doing your work? no." - fish

~~~~~ here now have some 2024 quotes

"--and 2 of my characters are male" - smart guy #1
"THATS COPYRIGHT!!!1!1!!" - smart guy #2

"why do we care again?" - fish

"--so once me and my friend damaged a u-haul truck, good times" - my teacher

"professional ankle breaker" - the music listener ethan

"hey guys whats a search bar" - smart guy #2

"ngl blood is kinda delicious" - fish

"i just kinda despawn and then get yeeted back into existence out of spite" - me

"i have achieved my ultimate goal: bribery" - me

"i am a rizzful roach" - me

"can i have the book with the i-roomba guy" - pickle

"the right way to pronounce his name is a-lice asmo-di-us" - orange jacket guy

"i don't see any asses" - hat addict

"cap" - mildly annoying guy

"i didnt say the shit word" - annoying guy

"why are you reading a harem manga" - that one ethan

"bro pulled an upside-down sideways Charleston" - that one ethan

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