Dungeon Entanglement - Drained

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many hours have passed in the cocoon with dehydration taking its toll as my fingers bleed through the broken skin with my attempts of trying to escape. The place that I dwell is unknown but seems to be the sight of my death as hope hangs by a mere thread and my strength dissipates. As I lay in my coffin waiting for the end I hear something walking towards me in the shallow waters of the sewer. It comes evermore closer and I feel that my time has come to its ending.

My eyes are forced to close as they hurt to keep open and my hearing had become distorted as my body weakens. Although my hearing is abominable I still make out a tearing sound near by and when I hear that something come towards me a blade pierces the cocoon slicing it open. I open my eyes trying to see more than just a dark blurred figure standing over. I feel a great relief when water is thrown over my face but the figure seems to be talking to me trying to make me stand. The strength is just not there and so when I do stand I find it hard to keep balance as the figure holds onto my arm forcing me to move quickly.

I feel myself dragging my feet along the sewer pipes and as I breath in the much needed air I regain some of my strength. I place my arm over the dark figure to help me move faster as I hear the faint sounds of the spiders from behind us. As my vision is blurred all I see is darkness and so I rely on my rescuer to find safety for us both. When we come to a shading of light I am place to sit against a wall and my rescuer says something to me but I am still unable to understand.

I see the figure then walk away from me standing in the light waiting for the spiders to come and I hear the scratching of metal as the figure holds a long glistening object. For the moment before the spiders appear I have sufficient strength for my vision to be more visible to my surroundings and my hearing to be much more clearer. The spiders come surrounding the figure but they do not attack as the figure had thrown a glass bottle to the floor where he stands and the spiders obviously detest what it emit.

The tarantula makes it's way into the light chamber with several other tarantulas half it's size and I see the figure lowers the object it hold slightly which alerts me to the doubts it has on our survival. When the figure confronts the oncoming tarantulas I look around the chamber for a way of helping my rescuer and as I drag myself across the damp floor of the chamber I come to a rusted steel wheel on the wall. I grab hold of the wheel with my bleeding hand pulling myself to stand on my feet.

I turn to see if my rescuer still lives but I feel he may not last much longer as I see the smaller tarantulas driving their clawed into his arms and legs. I do my best in trying to turn the wheel but it is rusted tight and will not budge no matter how hard I try. I place all my weight and strength against the wheel groaning loudly as I hang pulling to open but it barely moves. I must have been heard trying to open the valves as the smaller spiders make their may over to me. A bottle lands near cracking releasing slowly a rancid odour that they dislike and so I lean over to grab the bottle smashing it against the wall of the chamber.

A flash of sparks make me flinch grabbing my attention as I see the dark figure trying to open the valve that I had been trying to open. It throws its sword killing one of the tarantulas and kicks the rusted wheel then pulls against it with all the strength that it has. The wheel finally turns screeching as the valve begins to open, however the figure is dragged away before the valve can be open fully and so again I drag myself up from the damp floor turning the wheel open the valve which floods the chamber with water washing all of us back down the sewer pipes.

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