Minotaur Legend - Element Beast

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Awoken by the lightning I lay in the rays of light from the bolts of light shining through the hole I had fallen through. I look to see that it was quite a distance I had fallen, my head pounding, my bones aching and yet I still have the willingness to get back on my feet. I stand stretching out the pain only to see when the lightning shines through the hole a distinct silhouette of the Minotaur. I also take notice that I am in a large room, the great hall and again when the lightning breaks shining through the hole I see a door on the other side of the hall.

The pain I feel when running for the door is unbearable but still I push on even as the creature jumps down from the roof. As it hits the ground I fall to the ground in the tremor and I am left dragging myself the rest of the way to the door. It feels like I had been crawling for hours, I use the handle on the door to pull myself up and when I glance at the creature it appears not to have move from where it had landed. It simply glare sat me as I struggle to get the key to open the door and as I stand there with the door open the creature simply stand up straight burying its blade into the stone floor then taking a kneeling position.

I close the door locking it behind me, I leave the key in the door as I turn to walk down the torch lit and narrow passageway. The passageway is long, the end does not seem close as the passageway splits and in a rush I walk down the passage on the right. I emerge into an underground chamber of immense size and majesty. There are several narrow walk ways leading to the centre of the room, each over hanging the darkness below and in the centre of the chamber stands Andrew Weaver.

“You are too late, Lewis. I already hold in my hands the power to destroy you.” he says holding up a spire shaped rock with orange crystal entwined in and around it.

Andrew smiles holding the the rock and when he holds it with both hands he holds it out in front of him with the sharp point of the rock pointing at his chest. Before he has chance to merge the old earth element into his heart it is taken from him by the Minotaur that is crawling along the ceiling. The element had simply carried itself from Andrew hands to the Minotaur by sure will of the creature.

Echoing whispers fill the room, “The game begins”. The Minotaur drives the element into its black heart.

The horns on its head grow with thorns appearing on the ends, spikes shoot out from beneath its skin on its shoulders and its body becomes immense. Andrew runs to the edge of the room leaving me to battles the monstrous beast from hells dorm. I jump from path to path as the monster gives chase and without a weapon I am helpless, defenceless and hopeless. The monstrous beast roars as it jumps in front of me batting me with its right arm, I fly through the air and hit the wall on the other side of the room.

I fall grabbing on to one of the narrow paths and pull myself up, but without a chance as the beast jumps over grabbing me and again throwing me into Andrew, causing us both to fall grabbing onto a narrow path. Neither of us have the strength to hold our weight, Andrew is the first to fall screaming as he disappears into the darkness, and when the beast jumps close I see no point in pulling myself so I release my grip falling into the darkness.

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