Demon Pair - Unified Paths

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I drag myself to the alter with the devil's knight following brandishing a steel blade of Gothic design. I watch as he takes off his helmet revealing his decaying face of drooping rotten flesh, his right eye dry and half eaten by insects. As he makes his way to me slowly speaking in old tongue that I only know but only a few words to.

“Yiep tweeg okg yiep epzoks raw pujwukash lyerk”

He stands with blood-red flames burning in his eyes, holding his high readying to pierce my heart he again speaks.

“A raw puzoak svukzvhak epguve vofu tonf rhovas pazhvdiwy lacu”

At that moment a chapel window smashes and Lancelot emerges, swinging from a rope he lets go falling onto the knight knocking him to the floor.

“Great plan John...” He says groaning as he rolls onto his knee's.

When I stand up I help Lancelot to his feet and the knight jumps back to his feet with his jaws hanging off by a thin layer of skin. The knight cracks his jaw back in place holding his hand out and his sword lifts from the ground into his hand. The knight grotesquely smiles leering at Lancelot, “John” he says stepping forward. Lancelot grabs his sword and I move out the way as I do not have a weapon to hand.

The knight swings it's sword strongly at Lancelot forcing him down to one knee as he shield himself with his sword. I quickly grab a piece of glass stabbing it into the knights neck whom which throws its arm back striking me down and as I hit the ground lance tackles the knight throwing him to the ground also. Lancelot sharply stands over the knight holding his sword high, yet, as is sword descends a strong pulse emanates from the knight throwing Lancelot far onto the altar breaking the crudely built emblem. I quickly grab the knights sword when again another pulse hits me across the chapel and onto the altar.

Lancelot lays lifeless beside me, I call his name but he does not wake and the knight walk evermore closer. Furthermore I am pinned to the wall by an unknown force and as I struggled to be released the knight picks up it sword. He stands before me leering, but when his sword is lifted it is dropped and his leer turns to fear as the chapel doors creek open. The ghost I saw earlier walks slowly down the isle and as the attentions of the knight are on the ghost a flash of steel swings by my vision as Lancelot runs at the knight with his sword running the blade through the knight's rusted armour then pinning him against the wall.

I fall from the wall as the invisible force looses its grasp and Lancelot grabs my arm getting me to me feet quick. We both run down the side of the chapel watching the ghost walk onto the altar and as we reach the door the ghost enters the knights body. The knight begins to twitch violently and scream horrifyingly as it rips the sword out of its body. The knight holds its head screaming on its knees and falls to the ground becoming silent as it hits the floor. We stand by the door watching the knight as the colour returns to its skin and when the head of the knight lifts it speak loudly and devilishly.

“I am CREISECT! Remember that name for you will hear it again” He then begins to crawl.

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