Chapter 6 - Apology

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Tiara's Pov

Upon waking up and feeling somewhat refreshed, I decided to seek permission from aunty and take charge of the morning tea. Eager to contribute and assess my progress, I confidently proposed, "Aunty, let me make the tea today. I'll give it my best shot." The idea gained approval from aunty, and I enthusiastically dove into the task. Shruti sought me out, reminding me to get ready for the office, and we would leave together-my second mother.

As aunty served the tea to everyone, the positive responses and expressions of delight were genuinely rewarding. I took pride in my work until an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Akshit, typically only devoted coffee enthusiast in the family, reluctantly sampled my tea.

The table hummed with encouragement, but his reaction to the tea remained a mystery-no response, no words, just a stoic face. Despite the encouragements, my insecurities lingered. His opinion, particularly on my work, shouldn't have mattered to me, but my mind couldn't shake it. Compliments weren't expected from him.

Intrigued about his thoughts, I excused myself to the kitchen to grab a spoon. To my surprise, when I entered the kitchen, Akshit followed behind me, delivering his words in a hushed tone with underlying intensity. "No one messes with my morning cup of coffee," he whispered. Taken aback, I defended myself, saying, "I didn't force you to drink the tea. Indians have tea running in their veins with blood; you're the odd one out." My attempt to defend myself met his piercing gaze, and he questioned my motives.

"Why did you even make the tea? Are you trying to impress my family so you can stay here forever? Didn't you say you wouldn't be a guest for long?" His words felt like a sudden storm, catching me off guard. I felt a pang of hurt and anger at his insinuations, especially considering my earlier declaration of not planning to stay long. How could he, after what he had done?

Frustrated and hurt, I shot him a glare conveying a mix of anger and disappointment. "You're a heartless asshole," I declared before storming out of the kitchen. The weight of emotions hung in the air, and the brewing tension lingered, leaving me to grapple with conflicting feelings.

After a while, downstairs, waiting for Shruti to leave for the office, the entrance of a guy searching for Akshit became a pivot for an unexpected encounter. Aunty cheerfully introduced me to him as Aarav, Akshit's best friend, and in turn, I was introduced to him as Tiara, Shruti's best friend.

Aarav's face lit up with recognition, and the realization painted across his expression fueled subtle uneasiness in my mind. Had Akshit's best friend heard about me? The way he looked at me felt like he knew more than I expected. It was as if he carried preconceived notions about me, possibly influenced by Akshit's perspectives.

Aunty left us alone when uncle called for her. Aarav greeted me with a friendly "Hi, nice to meet you," initiating a brief but normal conversation. However, as Akshit descended the stairs to join his friend, my frustration from the earlier kitchen clash resurfaced. The thought of what Akshit might have said to Aarav about me lingered in my mind, adding a tinge of annoyance to my disposition.

Sensing Akshit's presence, a surge of anger compelled me to address potential rumors. Without much thought, I declared, "Stop talking about me to others, or else I'll think you're obsessed with me." Without waiting for a response, I headed upstairs, leaving behind a trail of unresolved tensions.

Akshit's Pov

After tearing her book, a twinge of guilt swept over me. However, that morning's incident, where everyone compelled me to taste the tea she made while she smirked, obliterated my guilt. When I sipped the tea, I made sure not to display any expression, denying her the satisfaction.

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