Chapter 9 - Whispers

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Tiara's Pov

Seated around the breakfast table, the atmosphere was buzzing with familial warmth when aunty dropped the bombshell about Dhruv's upcoming marriage. Dhruv was Shruti and Akshit's cousin brother which I got to know from Shruti. In response, Shruti, being her curious and enthusiastic and unaware, began firing off a series of questions, updating the rest of the family about the news.

Sensing about the celebration about to happen , I turned to aunty and gently expressed my intention to head back home. However, aunty, with a nurturing smile, immediately countered my suggestion, saying, "No, beta, why would you leave? You're family to us, and I've already shared the news of your presence with everyone. They're looking forward to meet you."

Politely, I maintained, "Aunty, I appreciate the invitation, but attending a family function unexpectedly feels a bit out of place for me." Not giving up, aunty persisted, "No, you must attend the wedding. I've already informed everyone, and it'll seem as if I've excluded you if you decide not to join us."

Attempting to explain my reluctance, I gently stated, "Aunty, I truly appreciate your kindness, but I don't think it would be appropriate. There are several reasons, and I believe it's best if I refrain from attending."

Despite my efforts to convey my viewpoint, aunty remained steadfast in her decision with others and especially Shruti's support but obviously except Akshit. She responded, "Beta, your presence will add so much to the joyous occasion." Caught between my own concerns and aunty's persistency, I reluctantly agreed, "Alright, aunty, if you insist, I'll attend the wedding."

After heading upstairs to my room to continue with my work, Shruti unexpectedly entered, playfully commenting, "Work, work, work! Why are you always working?" Her statement lingering in the room, and before I could respond, she instantly declared, "Okay, we need to go shopping."

A bit surprised, I questioned, "Today only?" Shruti, with a sense of urgency, insisted, "Yeah, yaar we just have two weeks left, and there's so much shopping to do." Teasingly, I added, "Yeah, yeah, I know how much shopping you'll do. You just want to eat outside, you foodie!"

Shruti, undeterred, playfully responded, "So? Don't you want to go or what?" In a casual tone, I replied, "Nah, I don't want to go and I have enough outfits for such occasions in my wardrobe I think." Shruti, with excitement flowing in her voice, insisted, "Okay, we'll even go to that bookstore you like. Will you go now?" Feeling a bit reluctant, I uttered, "Uhhh, yeah, I suppose I can go now. Are you happy?" Shruti, with shear enthusiasm, exclaimed, "Yesss! So, we're going in the evening, okay?" I nodded in agreement, saying, "Okay, okay".

Akshit's Pov

In the silence of my room, Aarav and I were deeply engrossed in dissecting the intricacies of our ongoing case. In the middle of our professional discussions, a sudden realization struck me, I was genuinely surprised when maa insisted that Tiara should stay for the wedding. It meant she would also be attending the event. In that moment of contemplation, maa unexpectedly entered the room, and I couldn't help but express my surprise, "Maa, aap (you)?"

Her attention shifted to Aarav, and she inquired, "Beta, did you receive the invitation?" Aarav, looking confused, asked, "Aunty, what invitation?" Maa clarified saying, "The invitation for Dhruv's wedding. I conveyed to Dhruv that I would provide you with the invitation, but he was insisting on personally delivering it to you." Aarav, now with a spark of realization, responded, "Ohhh, yes, yes, aunty, I have indeed received the invitation." A nod from my mother acknowledged his response, and she exited the room.

Turning to Aarav, curiosity in my eyes, I asked, "You will attend right?" Aarav replied, "Yes, I think so." Realizing the longtime close associate between Dhruv and Aarav, it seemed natural that Dhruv invited him. They were friends through me but due to busy working days we all couldn't keep up with the casual meetings and only met occassionally sometimes.

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