Chapter 17 - Don't.touch.her!

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Tiara's Pov

I was standing there, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion, as Akshit literally walked into his room and shut the door, leaving me standing there. I was about to say something, but he just left without a word. Seriously, who does he think he is to tell me what to do? And why did he even want me to save his number? What was he doing with my phone? Ugh, it was so frustrating. The whole day had been bad enough with Nitin, and now this with Akshit.

Feeling annoyed, I retreated to my room and tried to focus on some office work, when shri texted me.

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: Are you in your room?

Me: If you just take two steps, you can reach my room. Literally, you're texting me here.

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: Oh come on, I'm so tired, you know.

Me: Yeah, yeah, you're tired.

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: Hey, why's your mood so bad? I've noticed since you came back from the office, you seem off. What happened?

Should I tell her or not? Um, no. If I do, she'll just get angry. Plus, Nitin keeps causing trouble everyday almost. I'll handle it myself.

Me: Nothing, just chill. So, why'd you want to know if I was in my room?

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: Listen, Nitya bhabi called. She's coming over today, in the evening, to meet everyone.

Me: That's great news! It's been so many days since the wedding. We've been so busy, we couldn't even go see her. It's good she's coming here.

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: Okay, so Rony and Khushi are also coming.

Me: Wait, Rony and Khushi didn't just left yesterday as per uncle?

𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐢♡︎: No, they're coming today with bhaiyya and bhabi. Khushi will head back home later today, but I'm not sure about Rony.

Me: Oh, got it. And if you want to chat more, just walk over to my room using your two legs. I won't text anymore.

I decided to take a break from texting and focused on my work. After a while, I felt a bit tired and thought of taking a quick break to watch some YouTube videos. I'm not a big fan of social media, but YouTube is my go-to for relaxation, sometimes.

I planned to use my phone for just fifteen minutes, but i dont know how the hell the time slipped away, and before I knew it, I had been scrolling for thirty minutes.

"Damn it! I have so much work to do, how did I let this happen?" I muttered to myself, frustrated with my lack of discipline. Irritated, I tossed my phone from the bed to the couch and tried to refocus on my work.

As I immersed myself in my tasks, almost an hour passed by. Suddenly, Shruti barged into my room, saying, "Let's go downstairs."

Confused, I asked, "Why?"

Shri suddenly reminded me, "You forgot already goldfish? Bhaiyya bhabi was on their way. They're already here. Come on." I nodded agreeing and we left.

As we reached downstairs, everyone was gathered in the hallway, chatting away. I noticed Auntie heading towards the kitchen, probably to make up some snacks. Wanting to escape the crowd, I offered to help her. Being around too many people tires me out. Auntie agreed, and we headed to the kitchen together.

After a while, Akshit entered. Auntie greeted him, asking, "You need anything, Akshu?", "No, Maa, just came for some water," he replied casually. He then filled himself a glass of water and began drinking, but his slow sips and continuous stare in my direction didn't escape my notice. It felt like he was pulling of my layers with eyes. Irritating.

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