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After Wangxian couple put memory spell on his highness Xie Lian they go back Wu-Ji sect. Now Hua Cheng aka San Lang is looking after his ge ge. One day later Black Water come and drop a jar which contain injured Guoshi of Banyu Pass then he left saying come back in schedule time. Hua Cheng is impatiently waiting and watching the every change in the facial expression on his gege.

It's clear that he is experiencing his worst nightmare and hua cheng is regretting to let him went through this pain again. Then everything change in the thard day, in his sleep his ge ge is clearly happy and blushful some time intimately call out 'san lang' Hua Cheng is boiling in jealousy and anger though that san lang is definitely him but not current him. He cannot take it as his ge ge is with him even if it’s he Himself.

Hua Cheng is sulking and boiling whole day on top of that night Xie Lian is moaning and twisting his body in different angle in sleep a clear sign that he is having sex and enjoying his life with some God FOR shaken 'san lang' he felt like his whole body boiling in molten lava and so aroused like Mount TongLu reopened. He cannot tolerate this anymore nor leave xie lian in this situation.

Hua Cheng call Moon Officer formal heavenly official from upper court now his right hand man Yin Yu.

Hua Cheng : " Yin Yu bring me Ice from North Sea before some cold water as cold as possible. "

Yin Yu is puzzled, his master Hua Cheng can melt anything with his ghost fire but water is his opposite element. How much cold water he brings it’s no effect on him as it won't last for a minutes then why bother. On the fast place why did he need ice? But as a subordinate he didn’t say anything.

Yin Yu : "Yes, my Lord."

(This is Yin Yu, who hide behind ghost musk fast he was ashamed as various heavenly officials come ghost city he don’t want to face his former co-officials but now he enjoy his work and to see real face hide behind the musk)

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(This is Yin Yu, who hide behind ghost musk fast he was ashamed as various heavenly officials come ghost city he don’t want to face his former co-officials but now he enjoy his work and to see real face hide behind the musk)

Sometime later he brought ice frim North Sea as hua cheng ask and go back his work. But nothing work on hua cheng, though hua cheng never enjoyed to intimate with others but he know the cruel world and people’s desire. He never know befor today that he have this types intense desire for his highness Xie Lian. Yes he is obsessed with him, everything about him is his only his but he don’t know is sexual desired also this insane.

Hua cheng is tormented whole night, late night finally Xie Lian woke up grasp in air. Fast thing he saw is san lang's measurable state, from his memory he mastered to read the Supreme Ghost King's every facial expression. It’s clear he is suffering from intense sexual desire but Xie Lian also don’t want to rash but could not control his laughter. When Hua Cheng see that xie lian is okay he forget all of his pain and his desire fly throughout the wooden door.

Xie Lian put his hands on his chest to control his laughter but he felt an object. An executive rear diamond ring hanging from his neck right top of his heart. Now he know this diamond ring is not just a rare diamond ring it’s 'Ashes of Supreme Ghost King, Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Hua Cheng'  if it’s caught by others he is done for. He could not help but remember their fast conversation.

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