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Liam's POV

I stare blankly at random people as they go on about their day. Currently I'm waiting for my mum to pick me up from since once again I've been suspended for punching a kid in my class. In all fairness that kid was asking for it when he tried to bully by shoving me in the pool. My dad always told and taught me how to stand up for myself.

Soon a black Range Rover stops a meters away from me and the first thing I see is my mum's bloody red Loboutin heels. I stand up drenched from head to toe dragging my back pack behind me.

"Liam, when are you going to grown and learn that violence solves nothing." She says with her arms crossed standing in front of the car door.

"I will learn when they finally learn to leave me alone." I say I slide onto the cool leather seats inside. Dad is going to murder me when he sees what I've done to these seats.

"Are you hurt?" She asks as starts to check every inch of my body.

"I'm okay." I reply trying to get away from her. She is the best mother but sometimes she goes a little overboard with the overprotectiveness.

Approaching the gate of my house, I watched as my bodyguard deftly inputs the security code, granting us access. The gates opened, revealing the familiar long driveway flanked by well-maintained gardens. As we glided down the path, I couldn't wait to escape the confines of the car. The looming trees cast shadows, creating a sense of privacy that was both comforting and isolating. I yearned to slip away before mum tells dad what happened at school. My room beckoned as a refuge, and the anticipation to evade their disapproval heightened with every passing moment.

Before the car could even stop i flew out of the car but i stopped in my tracks with my heart pounding hard when i saw the front door, ajar as it sent shivers down my spine. The front is always closed and can only be opened from the inside.

We were soon surrounded by bodyguards and I could feel my mum gripping tightly to my hand, dread raced through my chest as we entered cautiously. I grasp when I see the mess that was once our living room. The couches were overturned and ripped, my beloved PlayStation and the huge TV were broken with glass laying everywhere.

"Liam, stay close," Mum whispered, guiding me through the debris. The air was heavy with tension, and the silence screamed danger but all I could think about was where are dad and Leandro.

Still sifting through the wreckage we heard a soft whimper, in a corner, Leandro emerged from his hiding spot, eyes wide with fear. Relief washed over mum as she gathered us into a protective embrace. Now that Leandro is safe, our only concern is dad.

"Liam it's too dangerous to go alone. Please for once just listen to me and stop being such a hard head." Mum says after I tell her I want to go and search for dad.

Paying no head to her words I take the stairs three at a time. Entering dad's office I see that it's no different from downstairs with tables, papers and chairs lying everywhere. Out of the corner of eye I see dad lying on the floor with a man standing above him wearing all black and holding a gun.

"What are you doing to my dad?" I scream. He turns around ready to charge at me but changes his mind when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs. He flees through a door on the wall which I didn't even know existed.

"Mom, Dad's hurt, we need to get him to the hospital," I said urgently as I stare at my dad's unconscious form lying in his own blood, with a hole in his chest. Mum's face turned pale, but she nodded, her maternal instincts kicking in.

Together, the guards carefully lifted dad, struggling to keep their composure. Mum, Leandro and I followed quietly behind them.

At the emergency room, we anxiously waited, worry etched across our faces. I decided to lean on the wall while Leandro was clinging to mum. We all stood up when the doctors delivered the grim news – dad was in a coma, the result of a bullet wound to the chest.

Mum gathered us in her arms and let us cry on her chest. Who would do this to my dad? Who would want to hurt him and why? All these questions were swirling within me with no answers.

"Adeline, you and the boys can't stay here. Whoever is after Giovanni clearly wanted him dead and if they know he is still alive than they would want to finish the job. I suggest you and the boys leave Italy and don't worry about the business, we will take care of it until Liam is old enough to take over." Dad's second in command, Uncle Dante said.

"I also think that's a good idea but I want to wait until Gio has stabilised so we can move him." Mum replies still cuddling us.

So after a month we were on a private plan customised to fit all of dad's medical needs with a doctor and nurse on board with us. As I look outside the window I bid a silent goodbye to Italy not knowing when I'll see her again.


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