Chapter 3

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Nicki's POV

The day of the party arrived with an air of unease. As I  stood in front of my closet  mirror, applying a final sweep of mascara, I think about my earlier fight with Ivan. He hadn’t taken the news of my solo invitation well, and the chill of our morning conversation still hung in the air.

"You're really going without me?" Ivan asked, his voice low, tinged with an emotion i couldn't quite place.

"It's just a party, Ivan. It doesn’t make sense to make a big deal out of it," I replied, trying to keep my voice light, since I can't handle a fight with him right now.

"It does when it's that Liam who's hosting it," he’d countered sharply.

I sign, looking away. "We don't go to every party together besides I'm not the only one invited." I say as I step into my heels, with a kiss to his cheek I leave.

Arriving at the venue, I'm immediately swept up by the flashing lights and paparazzi screaming out my name. I'm guided through the mob of cameras safely inside the venue. The venue is expertly decorated in hues of black and gold.

Thank God I wore a metallic coloured dress.

"Miss Johnson, you look absolutely stunning." I turn around when I hear my name and there he is the man of the hour. Liam is dressed in an impecable black tux with a gold watch on his wrist. It's simple but beautiful.

"Call me Nicki." Liam eyes roam over my outfit, appreciative but respectful. He offers his arm, leading my into the throng of guests. "Let me show you around. I’m really glad you could make it."

As we moved through the rooms, I could feel eyes on us, probably wondering why Liam is showing me around. He introduces me to his brother who is the total opposite of Liam. Leandro is funny and a major flirt something Liam made sure to tell me before meeting him.

Liam's behavior is impeccable. He introduces me to most of his friends and through him I got to make some business deals. I'm surprised he never strayed away from my side, always there making me comfortable in a throng of people I barely recognised. His presence is calming which is something I can't say about my own boyfriend.

As the night deepened, the music grew louder, the conversations more animated. I found herself genuinely enjoying Liam’s company, laughing more freely than i had done in weeks.

"Care to dance mademoiselle?" Liam says as he stands next to me as the music turns into a slow ballad.

He leads me to the dance and pulls me closer as he places his arms around my waist while I rest my arms on his shoulders. We slowly sway to the music as I think it has never felt like this with Ivan. I mean we have danced together but what I'm feeling now with Liam isn't there with Ivan. Does feeling this make me a bad girlfriend?

While dancing my eyes catch sight of someone familiar. Ivan storms through the crowd, his face an ominous thundercloud. He grabs my arm, pulling my slightly to the side. "We're leaving," he growled, his eyes darting menacingly between Liam and I.

My heart raced; my cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "Ivan, what are you doing here? You can’t just—"

"Can’t what, Nicki? Can’t come and see what my girlfriend is up to when she’s cosying up at a party I wasn’t invited to?"

Liam steps forward, his expression turning from surprise to concern. "We aren't doing anything wrong so let her go."

Ivan rounds on him, poking his chest with a finger. "Stay out of this, Liam. This doesn’t concern you."

"But it does," Liam replied, calm but firm with a dark undertone. "Nicki is my guest, and you're causing her distress."

I looked between the two men, my mind racing. "Ivan, please, let’s talk about this outside." I say as we already have gathered a crowd.

Reluctantly, Ivan released my arm, his breaths heavy and ragged. The three of us moved towards the garden, an awkward silence falling over us as we left the noise of the party behind.

Once outside, Ivan turns to me, his voice a mix of disbelief and fury. "Why are you doing this, Nicki? Why him?"

That's the question I want answered myself. Why Liam? Why do I feel this way towards him? Why do I lose myself in his presence?

"It’s not like that, Ivan. It's just a party. Liam has been nothing but respectful," I try to explain despite the annoyance I feel inside.

"You don’t see the way he looks at you. Everyone can see it, Nicki. Everyone but you." Ian bashcally shouts. The way he looks at me?

"You've got it all wrong Liam and I are nothing but friends, I'm with you and that should be enough. The fact that you crushed this party says all it needs to say. You don't trust me after all these years, if there isn't trust than a relantionship can't thrive. I think you should just go home, we'll talk when you're calmly." With that I make my way inside the venue with my head held high. I need a really really strong drink.

Ivan scoffed, shaking his head. "You think I’m blind? Or that I’m stupid? I see everything." Ivan shouts behind me but right now I really don't care. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with him.

"You okay?" Liam asks as he gently places a hand on the small of my back. Chugging the rest of my drink I turn to him. "I'm sorry for ruining your  birthday party." I say facing him.

I don't know if it's the alcohol or my own confused feelings but Liam is such a handsome man with his wavy black hair and blue eyes. I would definitely date him if I was single.

"Why do you stay with him if that's how he treats you?" Liam asks me after leaving the makeshift bar.

"It's complicated." I reply not in the mood to remember that idiot.

We spend the rest of night talking about everything and anything. Conversion flowed easily with him and I didn't have to be perfect around him. Why didn't I meet him sooner?

Eventually it was time to leave but I was way too drunk to be left on my own so Liam carries me in his arms while holding my heels.

"You smell delicious, I wanna eat you." I say. This is the advantage of being drunk I can say whatever I want and than forget about it in the morning.

"Than eat me il mio piccolo." I don't know what he just called me but it sounded sexy as fuck.

As I lay in his arms, not knowing where he's taking me but I'm glad I came and hopefully one day I could have the courage to act on this feelings he's evoked in me.

The Mafia's Deceptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें