Chapter 6

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Nicki's POV

I sat at the kitchen table, nervously tapping my fingers against the smooth surface. I glance at the clock for what feels like the hundredth time, waiting for the phone to connect and to hear his wonderful voice again.

"Hello Liam," I say once I hear his voice, "can we meet? I have something important to tell you."

He tells that he leaves for Italy today but will be back in three days which is perfect since I get to wrap things up with Ivan and start a new hopefully with him. We bid our goodbye and hang up.

Taking a deep breath, i scroll down my contract list where i find and dial Ivan's number. I need to talk to him, i can't run forever. The phone rings, each tone echoing in the silence of the apartment, until finally, he picks up.

"Hey, Nicki," Ivan's voice sounds strained, as if he's doing some sort of exercise.

Why does he sound nice today?

"We need to talk," Nicki say, my voice steady despite the nerves I feel inside, I know what his anger can do.

There was a pause and some shuffling on the other end of the line , and then Ivan speaks, his tone resigned. "I know. Is everything okay?"

Again, why is he being nice after all those texts he sent? I hesitate, searching for the right words to explain the jumble of feelings inside me.

"No, Ivan, everything's not okay. I've been thinking a lot lately, and I think... I think we need to break up." I rush the words out.

The words hung heavy in the air, a weight i have been carrying for far too long. I hear Ivan inhale sharply, his breath catching in his throat.

"What? Why?" Ivan's voice rises with incredulity, his disbelief turning to anger. "Is this about that guy, Liam?"

There he is, the Ivan I have known for the last couple of months. The guy who shouts and screams if he doesn't get his own way.

I close my eyes, while massaging my temple. This conversation is giving me a headache. I know that Ivan's jealousy is unfounded but i'm unable to deny the truth of my feelings. I've been feeling this way a while now, longer than I've known Liam, he just helped put things into perspective.

"It's not just about Liam, Ivan. It's about us. We've been drifting apart for a while now, and I think it's time to admit that we're not meant to be together." I say as slowly as I could as if I'm talking to a toddler.

There is a long pause, the silence stretching between us like an unbridgeable chasm. Finally, Ivan speaks, his voice cold and clipped. "Fine. If that's what you want. But don't expect me to stick around and watch you as you ruin your life."

Even though I know I made the right decision I still feel guilty. Ivan and I grew up together, we had all our firsts together, even our mothers want us together. I know I've hurt him but i can't fool myself to continue living this lie, we aren't those people anymore.

Pushing those thoughts aside I head back to my room to pack and head back into the city. I never thought I would say this but I missed it.

"Take care of yourself." I tell my housekeeper as the taxi driver is loading my luggage into the taxi. I've contemplated on taking a flight back home but I don't want my parents to find this place so train it is.

After almost four hours, I'm back in my flat. Everything is in it place which means Ivan didn't throw his tantrums in here again. The first thing I do is take a shower and sleep. I missed this.


Three days pass by very fast and I'm anticipating my date with Liam later. My mum scolded me when she heard I'm back and that I broke up with Ivan. In true Clarissa fashion she wanted me to get back with the "greatest thing that has happened to me." Of course I said no and hang up.

Greatest thing my ass.

Currently I'm getting ready for my date with Liam. I haven't told anyone not even Vanessa in case if he doesn't feel the same than I won't be embarrassed and I can continue as if nothing happened.

Arriving at the restaurant, I felt a flutter of nerves in my stomach as i scanned the room for Liam. Spotting him at a secluded table in the corner, I made my way over, my strides seem confident but I'm extremely anxious.

"Hello Nicole, you look beautiful as always" Liam greets me with a warm smile, his eyes lighting up as i approached.

"Hi." I reply, returning his smile with a shy one of my own. I took a seat across from him, my heart racing as i prepare to lay my feelings bare.

"I'm glad you could make it," Liam says, reaching across the table to take my hand in his. "I've been looking forward to this."

Man, now I know why he is the most sought after bachelor in London, he could literally kill a person with that voice. Today he is wearing his signature black suit with tattoos peeking under his sleeves. I wonder how many he has and if he would let me see them.

I felt a rush of warmth at Liam's touch, a feeling i hadn't experienced in far too long. Taking a deep breath, i summon my courage and met his gaze.

"I want to talk to you about something," I began, my voice soft yet resolute. "I... I'm attracted to you, Liam. I really am. But after everything that's happened, I think we need to take things super slow, if you're interested, that is."

He's shocked from my revelation but his expression softens, his eyes fill with happiness and understanding.

"I understand, Nicki, and I feel the same way. I don't want to rush into anything either. I just want to get to know you, to see where things go. Honestly I thought you came to tell me that you didn't want to see me anymore." He says with his voice filled with relief.

Relief flooded through me as i listen to Liam's words, a weight lifts from my shoulders. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for us after all.

Our conversation continues late into the night. We talk about his adventures when he was in Italy and how worried he was when I left. We also talk about how I'm doing but he doesn't push to know where i went. He asks me to dance when Perfect for me by Bradley Marshall starts playing. All in all he's perfect.

When we finally decide to leave, he walks me to my car and bends down. I close my eyes thinking might kiss me but he kisses my cheek. I know I said I wanted to take things slow but I wanted to be kissed by him.

Getting in my car I have a stupid smile on my face that won't go away. I didn't know a person could feel like this. I hope this feeling lasts a lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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