Chapter 4

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Nicki's POV

Waking up I immediately feel the effects of a pounding headache, the bright sunlight didn't do anything to aid in my recovery. Looking around I see I'm in a white room not my usual beige and pink bedroom.

Disoriented and groggy, I struggled to piece together the events of the previous night. Blinking against the harsh sunlight, I sat up slowly, my stomach churning uncomfortably.

Looking down i'm wearing a large white shirt. Confusion swirls in my mind as I try to make sense of it all. Who's shirt is this and how did I get in it?

Still confused the door opens and in walks Liam shirtless carrying a breakfast tray. The tray hids most of his chest but what I could see is that he's very fit.

"Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He asks as he places the tray in front of me. Breakfast in bed served by a hot shirtless guy? A girl could definitely get used to this.

"I'm fine except for the pounding headache and the fact I don't know how I got in your shirt." I reply before biting a piece of toast filled with strawberry jam.

Liam signs, running a hand through his tousled hair. "You don't remember do you?

Shaking my head he continues. "Well, after all the drinks you had, you couldn't walk so i carried you. I offered to talk you back to your place but you said and I quote "that asshole is going to be there." So we came to my place. Unfortunately you puked on your dress so I gave you my shirt and before you think anything else, nothing happened. You chamged all by yourself, I just helped with the zip." Liam recounts sitting on the edge of the bed.

I wince, as memories of too many drinks and a wild party start flooding back. Embarrassment washes over me as I remember the events of the night before. I can't believe I had let myself get so wasted, especially in front of Liam.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, feeling utterly mortified.

Liam waved off my apology with a small smile. "Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us."

As I tried to gather my thoughts, my phone buzzed with an incoming call from Ivan. I hesitated, unsure if i want to talk to him or not. Instead, I silenced the call and tossed my phone onto the nearby couch.

"I should go," I said suddenly, standing up and pulling Liam's shirt tighter around me. Thank the Lord Liam is at least 6'5 so his shirt on me is like a dress.

"Wait." He says before disappearing from sight. He comes back with my clean dress neatly folded and my heels from yesterday.

"Thanks." I reply as I head into the bathroom to change. Coming out I bid goodbye to Liam.

He nods understandingly, moving to open the door for me. "Take care of yourself, Nicki. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me."

I managed a weak smile before slipping out of the penthouse and into the bright morning sunlight. Liam offered to drive me wherever I'm going but right now I need to be alone to truly figure out what I'm feeling and if I'm going to continue this relationship with Ivan. I hail a taxi and tell the driver Vanessa's address. Vanessa, my bestfriend is the only person who will give me unbiased advice on what to do next.

"Ma'am, we're here." The taxi driver tells me. I try to pay him but he tells me that he only accepts cash. Well I'm fucked since I only carry my bank cards.

Digging through my purse I find three hundred pounds in cash with a note. I smile to myself as I see Liam's handwriting, this guy thinks of everything.

With the taxi driver situation solved I start the long journey of climbing the stairs to the third floor where Vee's apartment is located. Vee and I met back in primary school where she had a scholarship since her family isn't rich like mine. She's the first friend that I have that isn't bewildered by my family's name and wealth. Finally arriving I start knocking.

"Nic, why are you knocking?" She asks surprised seeing me on her front door. Vee and I have each other's keys to their apartment for emergencies so it's a shock to her seeing me here knocking.

I limp inside before answering since climbing all those stairs in six inch heels was exhausting.

"What's wrong?" She asks as I lay sprawed on the couch. After a deep breath I tell her everything as she listens intently.

"I don't know what to tell you but just follow your heart." This is what I love about her she listens without judgement or trying to make it all about her.

I stay there for a while until I decide that I need a vacation, a place where I can truly be MIA. A place where I can figure out my feelings without any outside pressure.

With a destination in mind I bid goodbye to Vee. I don't tell her where I'm going since I don't want Ivan to harass her. With a renewed energy I speed down the stairs holding my heels obviously since I love my ankles way too much for them to be sprained.

Reaching home I find it in a disarray, a complete contrast from when I left. Wine bottles broken and unbroken covered the living room floor. I really need to get my keys from that asshole.

I head to my room where it is surprisingly tidy just as I left it, guess he didn't come in here. I hurriedly book a train ticket since I know Ivan and my parents would never dare to look there since they believe it's below them. I have the quickest shower of my life and after packing some clothes, I'm off. My next stop is the bank where I draw 20k pounds. Using cash will make it harder for my nosy parents and Ivan to find me.

I split the cash into three compartments. I put a thousand pounds into my wallet and half of the amount left into my backpack and the other I divide between my two suitcases. I don't know the meaning of traveling light with all the luggage I'm carrying.

I let out a breathe of relief when I feel the train start moving. I take out my Galaxy tablet connecting my ear buds and find a movie on Netflix. Ivan calls me again but I reject it and put my phone on do not disturb.

Right now on this train, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I know my mum would probably worry about me but with my dad I doubt it. If it doesn't bring him money he doesn't care. I think Vanessa would be the only one who would be genuinely worried.

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