Chapter 1

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Liam’s POV

A gentle knock distracted my work. With a harsh come in from me the door opened and my PA Tristan walks in.

“Sir, Mr. Troy Johnson invites you to his masquerade fundraising event that is going to be held on the 10th of April, shall I confirm your attendance?” Tristan asks me. Tenth of April that's three days from now.

“Sure.” With my reply I watch the twenty four year old assistant walk out of my office. I like Tristan, he is a hard worker, follows my instructions without questions and he is smart. He has been working with me for almost a year now, I think i should reward him by giving him a raise and a week off.

I start thinking about the invitation that I received, Troy Johnson is known for being generous, the type of guy who would give the shirt off his back for someone else and he purposely invites only the richest of his friends in order to get more donations. Most people think he's an angel but something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.

My thoughts take drastic turn when I see the photo frame on my desk. I gently caress the face of the man in the picture, wishing that he was still alive.

I miss him.

I push all my thoughts to the back of my mind and continue working until I get a call from my little brother.

"Yo bro, what are we going to do for mum's birthday?" He basically shouts through the phone. That guy has way too much energy for his own good.

"I'll buy her jewellery or I could take her shopping for whatever she wants." I quickly reply. I actually forgot that today was her birthday, she's going to kill me.

We continue talking and we plan for us both to be at home celebrating with her since she hates big parties but she will go if absolutely necessary.

Ever since we arrived in London our life has been going well. I was featured in Forbes magazine as one of the youngest and richest bachelors in London. With Uncle Dante's help I started Santos Aviation with Leandro as my right hand man. Our planes fly all the world and we cater to all classes from economy to private jet flights.

Checking my watch I realise its time to leave if I don’t to be late for mum's birthday party. A three person party.

"I'm leaving, finish your work than you can leave too." I tell Tristan while walking towards the elevator. I take the elevator down to the parking lot where my baby is waiting for me. Sliding inside, I finally feel at peace. I love her, my precious Audi R8. I speed down the road with one destination in mind.

Soon I see the unmistakable gates of her house as the gates open automatically when they recognise my car. Rounding the fountain I see Leandro's gray G-wagon already packed. Good, he's early.

Inside I am greeted with the smell of mum's favourite Italian dish and I know that she's cooking again. Her cooking is the best thing I ever tasted and I will choose her cooking over an fancy restraunt meal.

“Liam is that you?” I hear her voice. I then see her heading towards me in the living room wearing an apron with her hair a shaggy mess. When she got close enough I hug and wish her a happy birthday.

“Happy Birthday Mum” I say as I show her the diamond necklace I got for her birthday.

“You boys know what I want for my birthday but I'll gladly accept the necklace." Lately mum has been losing patience since after twelve years we still don't know who killed our father.

“Ma, we are working on that, it isn't as simple as we thought. All the people who we involved either disappeared or were killed. Be patient with us." Leandro says as he joins us in the living room.

After that the mood slightly lifted but I can tell we were still thinking about that tragic day.


Days went by pretty fast. Currently I'm failing miserably trying to tie this bow tie. This is why I don't wear ties, they are constrictive and itchy.

Arriving at the venue, I see men wearing their best suits while women are wearing their most expensive dresses with diamonds shining brightly from their necks, ears and hands.

“Mr. Santos, a pleasure to have you with us today.” I turn to the owner of that voice to see Troy Johnson with his wife Clarissa.

“Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, the pleasure is all mine. Thanks for the invitation.” I say as i put my over praticed fake smile on. We talk for a while until they have to leave to entertain other guests.

This event is as boring as usual and I start to regret coming here. Don't get me wrong I love helping the less fortunate especially sick children but I usually send an anonymous check to my favourite organisation. I just don't see the need for all this glamour.

As i was making my way back from restroom someone bumped into me and I caught her preventing her from falling.

Looking down at her I see beautiful honey brown hair let down past her shoulders covering the black dress she was wearing. The black sleeveless dress was a perfect shade on her milk chocolate skin. When she looked up her deep brown eyes tempted me and I came to a realisation that this woman is Nicole Johnson either was known as the only heir to the Johnson fortune.

“I’m very sorry I didn’t mean to run into you.” Her voice is soft like silk and I couldn’t help but be attracted to her.

“It’s my fault.” I say. She just smiles and walks away. All throughout the event I couldn’t get her out of my head and as if fate was playing a nasty joke on me, she came and sat next to me. Her perfume was driving me crazy I just wanted to pull her into my lap and have my way with her. But I know she wouldn’t like that so I need to do this the right way.

Finally I was put out of my misery when the event ended. But somehow I didn't want her to leave but I couldn't do anything about it.

That night I went to sleep dreaming about a beautiful pair of brown eyes.

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