Chapter 28

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A couple of days have passed since the incident. I try to forget it as much as possible.

Carter has been so attentive to me and has helped me out so much. I don't know what I would do without him.

He was with me every step of the way when I had to go to the police station to give my statement and when I had to talk to my bosses. They both said Mr. Jones is never allowed back on the property.

My bosses were very understanding when I asked them for a break from work.

Carter even told me he told his mom what happened, which I understand because the situation involved his dad, so she had a right to know. What had me shocked was that she said she was filing for divorce and throwing all of his stuff to the curb. Apparently, she had been trying to leave him for years, and after she heard what happened to me, she said she was done.

It's the day Carter and I are leaving to go to his hometown for fall break. He told me multiple times that we could just stay home and relax, but I told him I needed a distraction and just wanted to get out of town for a little bit. Plus, I wanted to meet his family.

Carter and I packed up for four days and put all the bags in the car.

We start driving to his home. I had never been to this part of town before. It is so beautiful here and also exceptionally rich-looking.

After a couple of minutes, we arrive.

I start to get nervous as he parks his car. I hope they like me.

Carter grabs my hand and looks at me

"Relax, I see your mind running a mile a minute. It's going to be okay. They already love you," Carter says, calming me down

"Okay, let's go," I say as he gets out of the car and walks over to my side to open the door for me.

He holds out his hand for me, and we walk hand in hand to his front door.

He knocks on the door, and It opens seconds later.

"Oh, my goodness, honey! How've missed you!" A beautiful woman says, Who I am assuming is his mom

"Hey, mamma," Carter says, kissing her cheek

"And you must be Brynnley; my gosh, aren't you beautiful," She says, making me blush

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones. Thank you so much for letting me join your holiday and letting me stay here," I say

"Of course! I'm so glad you could make it. Please call me Tracy." She says as she opens the door widely

"Please come in, come in," She says I step inside and look at this gorgeous house.

"Wow, your house is gorgeous," I tell her

"Thank you, hun. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" She says, guiding us to the kitchen

I shake my head as Carter and I take a seat at the table

"Where is John?" he asks. I am assuming that's his brother

"He had to work, but he will be over later with Lucy and the kids," Tracy says

Carter nods, and we continue our conversation

She asks me all the basic questions like where I grew up, my major, if I had siblings, all the basic get to know ya questions

It suddenly gets quiet

"I just want to get this out of the way so we can ignore it forever," Tracy says

I look up at her "I am so terribly sorry for what Richard did to you. He is such a piece of shit. You didn't deserve that." Tracy says

"It's okay, Tracy. Nobody could have asked for that. It just happened." I say, not knowing what else to say

I feel Carter's hand on my thigh for some comfort.

"Okay, let's forget about it. Now tell me, are you two an item?" She says with a wicked smile

I blush, and Carter speaks up "Yes, Mom, I asked her to be my girlfriend about a month ago," Carter says with a smile

Tracy looks shocked. " A Month!! And you are just telling me now!!" Tracy yells

I laughed, and Carter chuckled and shook his head

"Sorry, ma," he says

"Well, I am going to start dinner, Carter; why don't you show Brynnley your room," she says

Carter nods and takes my hand, leading me up the stairs While walking up the stairs, I see pictures hanging on the wall. I look and see Carter as a kid. I am in awe and make a mental note to look at them later, and we continue making our way up the stairs.

We approach a door with his name on it and head in.

So this is his childhood bedroom. It is a dark blue with wooden floors. He has hockey posters hung on his wall with shelves full of trophies.

"So this is where you grew up," I say as I start to snoop around his room

"Yup, this is it," He says, hopping onto his bed.

I continued walking around the room until I decided that I had enough snooping and hopped in bed next to him.

I cuddle up against his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

"This is the best feeling in the world," he says

"I couldn't agree more," I say because I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than in his arms.

Chapter 28 is up! I have a couple chapter written already so I'll post them tomorrow! As for now re-read and enjoy!
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word count - 956

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