Chapter 37

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I felt and looked like I was shoved into a dumpster, run over by a bus, and had a face makeover. But this makeover was dark bags, a bright red nose, and bloodshot eyes.

I have been a complete mess since I caught Carter kidding that girl.

My chest hurts every day from my aching heart.

It's been a month since I've talked to Carter. He reaches out to me every day, but I ignore his texts and calls, unable to talk to him.

I decided to go home for winter break. Jensen asked me to spend it with her, and since we are from the same town and I have. Most days, But today, I am curled up in my childhood bedroom, watching movies and eating tons of junk food and ice cream.

I have never cried so much in my life. Let alone a guy. I have never cried over a guy before, and this sucks. Guys suck. They get what they want from you and then shove you to the curb.

Why did I have to fall in love with him? What sucks the most is that I still am in love with him.

Love is weird. No matter how hard you try to stop loving something or someone, your heart still beats a little of that thing. My thing is Carter.

This sucks.

My parents have come and gone since I was here. They barely acknowledged me, which, for once, I am grateful for since I am not in the state to please people right now.

Jensen is coming over today to help me pack up since we have to go back to campus tomorrow.
She tried to get me out of my room, and we did a couple of things, like going to the movies and getting dinner a few times. She has been my rock.

I hear a knock on my door and head downstairs

I open the door and see Jensen

"Hey," I say, letting her in

"Hey, how are you holding up today?" She says while taking her shoes off

"I ate a pint of ice cream and half a bag of chips," I say, guiding her up the stairs "You're getting better already! Better than last week, you were on two family size bag of chips and three things of Ben and Jerry's," she says

I laugh at the exaggeration

We make my way into my room, and we start packing up all my crap

"I know you are hurting Brynn, but dont you think you should talk to Carter," Jensen says

I stop folding the shirt in my hands and sigh, looking down at the floor.

"I dont want to," I say

"I know, but I think you need an explanation. I don't think he is the one who ignited the kiss. If he did, do you think he would try to reach out to you 20 times a day since that day?" She says

She has a point, but I need to figure out what to do. His lips were on another girl.

"I know I probably should, but I just feel so betrayed, Jens," I say

"I know, and I would be pissed too if that was Jason," She says

"But I've talked to Jason, and he said he has reached out to Carter, and he just sounds so upset with himself for making you upset," She says

I look at her in disbelief. Maybe I should try to talk to him. I really do miss him, but I need an explanation.

"I guess your right. I should talk to him," I say

"Do it when you get back to campus. We got some packing to do." She says while continuing to fold my clothes again.

I take a deep breath

I guess I have to prepare myself


This break sucked ass.

I am home and have been locked in my room this whole time. The only time I leave my room is when I go on a run in the morning to try to clear my mind and when my nieces are here. They make me forget everything

It's the day before I go back to campus, and I dont even want to go. I just want my Brynn back. I wish she would actually hear what really happened.

I was so upset about all this that I totally forgot I planned to meet with the New York Rangers to practice with them, but I emailed the coach asking if we could reschedule because I was really sick, which was a lie. Luckily, he said yes. I feel like an idiot emailing the coach about this all because of a girl.

This has been a dream of mine since I was a kid, and now, ever since I met Brynn, my dreams have changed.

She became my dream. My dream girl.

My mom asked me many and many times where she was, and I had why she wasn't here, and I had to tell her what happened.

I can tell she was disappointed in me for what happened. I sadly remember that conversation


"Carter, how could you do that to that girl? She doesn't deserve that," she said

"I know, Mom, I fucked up," I say as I am depressed

"You let your past thing come and kiss you. Why do you even talk to her?" she says sternly. I can tell she is taking Brynn's side on this.

"That's the thing, I haven't spoken to her ever since I met Brynn. She just came out of the blue," I explained to her.

"I know this is hard, honey, but you have to try and talk to her. You're not allowed back unless she is with you," she says. I know she is kidding, but part of it seems like she really means it.


I attempt to start packing.

I grabbed my duffel bag because I only packed a little.

As I pack my stuff, I hear my phone vibrate.

I grab my phone and stare at it in shock

It's a text from Brynnley. She finally texted me back!

Brynnley - We should talk.
Message sent at 5:32 pm

I replied back immediately

Carter - I agree. Want to meet up tomorrow at that cafe you like.
Message sent at 5:32 pm

I see text bubbles pop up a moment later.

Brynnley - Yeah, 2:00 good?
Message sent at 5:33 pm.

Carter - Perfect. See you then
Message sent at 5:33 pm

I didn't get a reply back, so I turned my phone off and sat on my bed

I released a breath I feel I have been holding in forever

It's time to get my girl back.


They are gonna talk.

Let's see how this turns out...

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments and maybe vote if u can♥️♥️

word count - 1162

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