Part 7

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"That's strange, the candles aren't lit?"

"Maybe Albert is asleep on the job." German says yawning, he goes to slowly open the doors of the cathedral. With night upon them, the moon hangs out onto the cloudy night. The rain has stopped for the moment, as German opened the door, moonlight illuminated the church slightly. Just enough for them to see Albert sprawled across the floor.

They rushed to his side, Tony trying to shake him awake but he wouldn't wake up. "Tony go get Father Igan, I will try to wake him up." Tony nodded and ran out of the cathedral.

Priest and nuns don't stay within the cathedral but on the outskirts of the city, residing in a monastery. It was clear to both Tony and German that Albert wasn't sleeping. They could tell he was still alive but his breathing was abnormal. As German contemplated how to wake up Albert, he figured he had no choice but to try something dangerous.

German rose up, closed his eyes and concentrated, a dark purple aura, slowly oozing out of him. The aura enveloped Albert, but as it did. German felt a strange uneasiness. The feeling got stronger after every moment, suddenly he felt a sharp pain. It quickly disappeared, and then reappeared. "What is happening?" German was starting to lose focus. Finally a pain incomparable to the others struck German. It was as if a burning spear pierced his heart.

The aura covering Albert began to fluctuate, a bright light underneath it burning more brightly every second. German couldn't take it. He lost focus and the aura burst under the pressure of the bright light. When German opened his eyes, he noticed a mark on Albert's forehead. He was sure that it wasn't there before.

"That Damn Fox better not be sleeping!"

Father Igan stepped into the cathedral, visibly annoyed from having to wake up from his sleep. He stepped next to Albert, grabbing his hand. Saying some ancient words from the language of the church, Father Igan hands gain a feint glow. "Hmmm, his breathing is far from normal but his body doesn't seem to have taken any damage."

Tony, finally having caught up, enters exhausted, "Father Igan what's wrong with him?"

"Hmmmmm, I don't know yet..."

"Father, a symbol appeared on Albert's forehead. Does that have anything to do with it?" German points to Albert's forehead, Igan examines to find a symbol just like German said. Igan eyes widen as he lays his eyes upon it, a cross intertwined with ivy that fully surrounds it.

"It can't be! The sign of the Saint!" Father Igan carefully picked up Albert, "He must receive the best accommodations, we must prepare for his rebirth!"

Tony and German were confused, "What about Albert's breathing? Why doesn't he wake up?"

Igan signaled them to follow as he left the cathedral and headed to the monastery, "Albert has been chosen by God to be a saint, as proof he bears the cross on his body."

"Saint?" Tony asked

"A saint is someone chosen by God, they are messengers of God, wielding the same amount of authority as the Pope."

"But why is Albert not waking up?" German asked

"Like I said, he's experiencing a rebirth. No recorded saint has ever been the same after becoming one. Their personality changes, they become someone new. Having no previous memories, they become pure. German, Tony, the boy you knew as Albert is gone. In his place is someone much greater."

Tony and German stop in their tracks. Having no memories means Albert will forget about the past, he would no longer be Albert.


"The entire city has been on an uproar these days."

"Aye, one of them young'uns been hailed as a saint. Folks are eagerly awaiting his rebirth," the barmaid remarked as she wiped down the counter.

Fredrick lounged at his table, taking sips from his mug and exchanging pleasantries with the barmaid. News about Albert becoming a saint has reached about everyone in the city and beyond.

"Seems like I can scratch one of 'em off my list for sword lessons," Fredrick muttered to himself.

The barmaid set another drink in front of Fredrick, casting a curious glance. "Strange that lad hasn't woken up yet, ain't it?"

"Maybe he's got more to him than meets the eye," Fredrick replied, tipping back his drink. "We all knew he was different... Even them other two."

"Aye, them kids were sharp as a tack. But Albert, he was the only one who acted his age, yet somethin' didn't sit right. Hard to put into words."

"It felt off, like a poorly rehearsed play."


As they talked Folas and Ava entered the bar. They walked their way to Fredrick's table and sat down.

"What'll it be for you two?"

"Ale, please!" Ava chirped.

"Just water," Folas requested.

"Right you are, I'll fetch 'em for you."

The barmaid left to go fetch the drinks, leaving them to their own devices.

"How'd the mission go? Easy, I reckon,"

"Hardly." Ava groaned

"The leader got away." Folas said irritated

Fredrick nearly choked on his drink before composing himself. "You serious?"

"We tracked 'em to their hideout, but the leader was nowhere to be found. Seems he's been laying low for months," Folas explained.

"So, what's the guild's take on this?"


"They only coughed up half the reward! Tight-fisted bunch," Ava interjected, a fire lit in her eyes

"We didn't capture the leader, only a bunch of drunks. We're lucky they threw us anything," Folas replied

"Sounds like you two had it rough." Fredrick says, sinking deeper into his chair.

"Enough about that. Is it really true?" Ava said eagerly

"What're you on about?" Fredrick asked.

"Is Albert a saint?"

"Oh, that. Yeah supposedly but I ain't seen the lad since Igan told everybody. Apparently he's still asleep."

Ava's face turned serious, Folas' face would have as well if it wasn't already.

"How many days has it been?" Ava's tone was serious.

"Since what?" Fredrick asked, puzzled.

"Since he fell into that slumber!" Ava's voice rose sharply as she stood up, startling Fredrick.

"Lower your voice," Folas said, his expression stern.

"But-" Ava began to protest before Folas interrupted.

"Do you want everyone to hear you?"

Ava reluctantly sank back into her seat, her frustration evident.

Fredrick gathered himself. "It's been three days since Igan made the announcement. Can't be more than five days since I last saw him."

"He's resisting it," Folas concluded, prompting Ava to raise her voice again. "We shouldn't stay here! We should be going to help him!"

Folas shot Ava a glare, but she refused to back down. "Those maniacs would rather let him die than lose a chance at another saint!"

From the corner of the tavern a cloaked figure took their leave.

"What do you mean, Ava?" Fredrick asked, confused

"Saints are forged through sa-" Ava began, only to be interrupted by the returning barmaid.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to finish your drinks and leave. You're disturbing the other customers,"

Ava looked around, she had caused a scene. Now all eyes were on her, she took her ale and gulped it down in one go. She then threw some coins on the table and left.

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