Part 8

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The atmosphere in the tavern gradually returned to normal. Fredrick eyed Folas, "What was Ava going to say?"

Folas stared into his drink, seeing his reflection. "Saints are incredibly powerful humans."

"I know that, but what does that have anything to do with Albert being in danger?"

"Saints, or should I say candidates for being Saints are vessels for God's messenger."

"Yes, I know. That's what the church preaches."

"Once reborn they will never be the same."

"What are you getting at," Fredrick said annoyed, he began to tense up.

"Once the candidate accepts the Saint, the rebirth is complete. Albert's concession will cease to exist. Albert will be dead."

"What?" Fedrick stood up immediately, "How can you say that he will be dead?!"

"Although Albert's body might awaken, he won't be the Albert you once knew; it's merely a spirit inhabiting his body."

Fredrick stood in a daze, absorbing the information, while Folas took a sip of his drink before continuing, "Isn't that what the church preaches? Sacrifice oneself for the church? For the greater good, I believe."

"Is there any way to save him" Fredrick mumbled in-cohesively as if he was drunk. "Fredrick, you can't be serious. That would practically mean going against the church. You know that right?" Folas examined Fredrick's face, trying to see any signs of him already being intoxicated.

"You're serious..."

Fredrick reaches for his pockets before throwing some coins onto the table, "Ava was going to save him right? I am going to chase after her. There's no way I am leaving that kid to die when he's desperately resisting it."

Folas lets Fredrick leave, There is no point in trying to stop him, he might as well get ready for the backlash they are going to face from the church.

Albert lay in Igan's private quarters since he had begun his transformation. There he was unconscious as if he was in a deep slumber. A slumber where he only dreamt nightmares. His face couldn't be described as peaceful, the only thing peace was the sound of the rain hitting the sole window in the room.

Through the rain-spattered window, a figure could be seen, cloaked and mysterious, standing outside in the pouring rain. As it walked towards the window, it peered down at Albert, who was lying in his bed, seemingly oblivious to the presence outside. For a moment, the figure stood outside, looking at Albert, the next, it seemed to materialize inside the room, as if by magic.

The figure held out its hand, and a glowing four-leaf clover appeared on its palm, emitting an otherworldly light. It grabbed Albert by the head, its hand surprisingly cold to the touch. The figure released him, making him fall from the bed. Hitting the floor with a thud.

Albert awoke and scrambled to his feet, startled and oddly cold, he looked around the room, trying to make sense of what had just happened. He glanced at the window, but there was nothing to be seen, leaving him to wonder what the hell just happened.

To him, he was just at the church cleaning, and now he's in a room. He had serval questions but he knew he wouldn't have to wait long for answers. Down the hall, he heard familiar voices heading his way.

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