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Chapter Five_

Daya's P.O.V.

"Hello?" A gentle voice of a young lady resonated.

"Who are you?" With knitted brows, I questioned.

"Oh, you must be the new student!" With an excited tone, she swung the door fully open and stepped inside, revealing her full form and a long wooden stick in her hand-no, it's a broom.

"U-Um... C-Can you please turn on the light? I can't see you well," she said in a shy voice.

"B-But how?" I stammered, switching glances between the pendant on top of the dressing table and her direction. "What? Am I just gonna say something like... light up the room like the sun itself?"

Quick 3rd Person's P.O.V.

In a flash, the pendant burst into a blinding light, illuminating the room. Both Daya and the girl beside the door shut their eyes, palms protectively blocking their faces from the piercing rays.

"Oft! Wah!" With clenched eyes, Daya shrieked in pain.

"Woahh!! Ahh!" In panic, the girl beside the door bumped into the surface of the wooden door, dropping her broom to the floor.

"Why can I still see the light? My eyes are already closed! Ugh!" Daya winced as she stumbled on top of the bed.

Even with their eyes shut, they could still sense the red burning light.

Outside the dark castle, there are numerous windows, all of shrouded by darkness, yet one window was blasting with light.

"MAKE IT STOP!!!" The girl screamed in pain. "IT BURNS, AAHH!"




The Madam is descending the century-old like spacious stairs, there's a tall glass window in front her.

She paused when she got a glimpse of what's outside, it was pure darkness, then suddenly a light flare blasted from the depths of the distance..

Gasping in concern, she hurriedly descended the stairs and approached the window.

Peering over, she saw a beaming light emanating from one of the castle's windows.

Swiftly picking up her black ankle-length dress, she made a hasty run.

Back in Daya's beaming dorm...

"WAAAAHH!!! DO SOMETHING!!" The girl screamed, already sitting on the floor.

"I'LL TRY I'LL TRY!..U-Um..Light no more??" Daya said with uncertainty.


The blinding light suddenly went out, leaving a dim atmosphere again.

"Ooh.." They winced, recovering from the experience.

"You okay?" Daya questioned as she carefully sat again on the bed.

"Mmm'yes..How about you?" the girl looked at her, still sitting on the floor.

"I am so sorry..I still have no idea how to use..that thing," Daya said, glancing at the pendant with terror.

"Oh..You'll get used to it soon; you're still new," the girl replied. Daya walked towards her, offering a hand. The girl accepted it, and Daya pulled her back to her feet again.

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