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When I first heard the knock on the door, it was already 1 AM in the morning. I struggled to fall asleep ever since I got the voicemail from Percy, knowing that he was on a quest, in danger, and he could die without even remembering who I was.

My sweet, sweet boy.

What did he do to deserve this life?

I named him Perseus because he was the only hero that managed to get himself a happy ending. I thought the same fate would pass down to my son, but it seems like it would never happen. Or, even if it will, it's just not happening fast enough.

Paul stays up with me every night, the two of us just sitting together at our dining table, staring at the empty seat. I wondered what it would have been like had Percy not been the son of Poseidon. He would have been here with me, forever and ever. I could protect him. My sweet, baby boy.

But I wouldn't change a thing. No matter how much he has struggled, my son is a hero. He is kind, brave, and so, so loyal. I would hate for anything to have changed that. I don't know how long I'd be able to have him with me. I don't know how much longer I can hold him close to my heart and never let go. One day he would leave me and there would be a hole in my heart that can never be fixed.

But I still wouldn't change a thing.

So when I got a knock at 1 AM in the morning, I thought it was another demigod seeking assistance. After Percy had gone missing, I prayed to Artemis to create a glowing delta sign on my door that only demigods could see so that, just in case they are hurt, injured, or just need a place to stay, they would know that this is a safe house. Many demigods had come here before, some who were on a quest and many who were trying to find their way to camp. I helped all of them, hoping that the hole in my heart could at least be partially cured by helping other demigods in need, just as my son had spent his life doing.

I gave Paul's hand a squeeze and a soft smile before getting up to open the door. I did not expect to see eight demigods at my front door.

With my son among them.

My eyes widened and filled with tears as a trembling hand flew to cover my mouth and muffle my sobs. My knees felt weak at the sight of him.

Percy looked battered and bruised, a traumatized look filling his eyes. He was leaning heavily on Annabeth, who had a weird pattern of bruises on her face and neck as well. I wasn't going to mention it now though.

I stretched out a shaking hand to go and touch his face. Percy, who was just staring at me this whole time, his eyes filled with tears and darting all over my body, flinched at my hand before leaning into it.

It broke my heart.

He closed his eyes softly before squeezing them shut to hold back the tears, failing as they fell down his face anyway. He buried his head into my outstretched hand, leaning in for my warmth and comfort.

I hated that he flinched away from me. I hated that he felt as if someone was going to hurt him. I hated that he immediately saw me as a monster that would hurt him instead of his mother. I didn't feel bad and I didn't blame him one bit.

I hated the situation.

None of us could even speak. I found myself searching for him, taking in every aspect of his features. All of his scars. His slightly worn clothing. His tattered shoes. I saw the gray streak in his hair had deepended and he had huge bags under his eyes.

Percy was doing the same thing to me, I could tell. Memorizing every aspect of me as if he would never see me again. Trying to create a mental photograph so that he could keep it with him forever because he wouldn't know the next time that he would see me.

Lost In Memories and Curses (PJO HOO STORY)Where stories live. Discover now