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When we had been attacked and parts of the boat had burnt up and flew off like a crushed crispy chip, I was in a mild amount of distress. I had built this freaking warship with my bare, repairboy hands, and it keeps on getting destroyed. Like, do these monsters have no respect whatsoever for amazing pieces of work?

Such a shame.

You know who else has no respect for my amazing work?

Those stinkin' mortals.

It's actually so disappointing. They think they're so cool and mighty because they have their own so-called brilliant minds and everything but, HELLO, 16 year old mechanic genius here that built a freaking warship out of scraps that sailed through continents in both the air AND the sea. So, when I had to crash land the ship so that we could scrounge for some supplies, I would have definitely loved a little bit of appreciation for the magnificent thing that just parked.

But no.

Those mortals didn't even take one good glance at it. Probably thought it was some oversized seagull and just looked the other way.

"Okay guys, we have to split up. Groups of three remember, each group has their own assigned set of supplies to bring, and you all meet back here to give the supplies to Leo and I who're staying here to help repair the ship," Annabeth told everyone.

She was looking a lot better, which made me happy. To see one of the strongest and most fearless demigods I've ever known crack was one of the scariest things ever. I'm glad she's getting better.

"I know we already settled on this, but are we 100% sure that splitting up is a good idea?" Hazel asked, looking back and forth between Percy and Annabeth. They both looked equally as worried about the thought of separating.

"Yes, this is the best plan," Percy responded, but still biting his lower lip nervously. "Leo obviously has to be here to care for the ship and Annabeth's the only one out of the rest of us that can semi keep up with him so they both have to stick around."

"Percy, you know we won't mind if you think you want to stay here," Jason told him. I knew he had good intentions, but even I winced at that one. If there was anything that Percy hated, more than anything in the word, was being treated like he was broken or weak.

"I'm fine Jason. I'm injured, not handicapped," he snapped back, running his fingers over his tired face. Well, to be fair, he was a little handicapped. He could barely walk properly with his crappy leg. Gods, I can't wait for their stupid curse to wear off so they can finally start to heal and get back to their usual selves.

Jason didn't say anything back to that, but still glanced wearily back at Nico, who was the third member of their trio. It was Jason, Nico, and Percy in one group and Hazel, Frank, and Piper in the other. Why they decided to stick all the big three kids together into one, I had no idea. But, then again, that also made sense. I guess Annabeth had thought they could draw the attention away from the other group so that they could actually get the important supplies and come back.

Don't we just love sacrificing people :D!

"It's going to be okay," Annabeth whispered, giving Percy a gentle kiss on the cheek. He just nodded and smiled back.

"Okay then!" I exclaimed, clearing my throat. "Let's get a move on!"

Everyone had left the boat, leaving me, Annabeth, and a sleeping coach Hedge alone on the ship.

"So, what do you want to do until they come back?" I asked Annabeth.

"I dunno. You have a deck of cards?" she asked me. I grinned as I pulled it out of my handy tool belt.

"You into Slap Jack?"

We played for about forty-five minutes, after assessing the damage to the boat together, before the first team came back. The boys returned with their supplies, covered in monster dust and panting, but all in one piece. Annabeth abandoned the game and practically pounced on Percy at the sight of him. Thank the Gods he came back safely. As much as we played and had a great time together, I knew Annabeth was panicking a little bit internally. She kept on scrunching her eyebrows and biting her lips. Annabeth and I took the supplies from their hands and started to work on the repairs. Percy stayed with us, just needing to be with Annabeth, but didn't really talk too much. The next team came in about twenty minutes with all the actual supplies that I needed to fix the boat.

The repairs took a few hours and I was exhausted afterward, but we were finally all good to go.

"Okay, with the repairs all done a little bit ahead of the schedule I had planned out in my head, if we leave right away we should be able to arrive in about two days, maybe three given our luck," I informed the group.

"Meaning, worst case scenario, we'd arrive just in time to meet the deadline?" Jason repeated back to the team. We all had grim looks on our faces. "It's cutting it a little close, but I'm sure that's fine given the situation. Gaea would only try to rise on that day. But what are we planning on doing about all of those monsters?"

"There's going to be millions of them there. Yes, we did close the Doors of Death, but, um, the pit let many more go before we could," Piper said.

"Guys, I don't know how much of a plan this actually is," Percy started to say, giving a side glance to Annabeth. She seemed like she knew exactly what he was thinking and started to protest. "But I think I have a little something up my sleeve that can do something about all those monsters."

"Percy, no, please, you cannot do that again!" Annabeth started to say, trying to force Percy to change his mind.

"Annie, it's fine—"

"NO! Gods damn it Percy it almost killed you the last time! I thought you were never going to wake back up!" she shouted back at him. This thing was getting really heated at this point, but none of us even dared to say anything.

"Annabeth, look at the situation right now! We need everything that we've got!"

The two just started to just yell back and forth. They sounded angry, but we knew that they were only yelling out of fear for the other. Percy just wanted to keep Annabeth and his friends alive and Annabeth just didn't want to lose Percy one more time. Percy suddenly held Annabeth's face in his arms and leaned his forehead against her own.

"Annabeth, please, I love you, but you know this is the way."

"Um, guys," Frank started to interject, sounding a little nervous. "Care to fill us in?"

"Seaweed Brain right here wants to sacrifice himself and get himself killed!"

"What, Annie no! Guys, stop. No, I'm not trying to kill myself. I just, um, learned this trick when I was, um, down there. I can make really powerful earthquakes and draw water from the ground and basically cause mass destruction that can kill thousands of monsters. I did it down there, that's what forced them to consider letting us go in the first place. Problem is, it uses almost the maximum amount of my powers and it's really draining, takes a lot out of me. Annabeth's scared that it may kill me if I try and do it again."

Everyone became silent at this point. Power like that was crazy. We knew Poseidon loves Percy a lot, but to give their mortal child this much control over their realm was almost unheard of. We all knew that that show of power could practically save them all. But, then again, Annabeth's fear was valid. What if Percy did die trying to do all that?

"I don't know guys," I said after a period of silence. "We're going to have to decide on this at some point, but maybe not right now."

Was it too much to ask that they all just come out of this alive?

Lost In Memories and Curses (PJO HOO STORY)Where stories live. Discover now