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As per Artemis' instructions, the hunt was on a search for a dangerous monster. We knew that, with the war on its way, we needed to destroy as many monsters as possible to lessen the blow for the fighting demigods.

We had been tracking the monster for days, following its path and scant traces it left behind as it scurried through the wilderness. The task was hard, I'll admit that much. But I think I'm really growing in my role as lieutenant. Zoë was an amazing lieutenant and I was actually kind of nervous being the next, wondering how I'd fill in her shoes.

That's when I realized what the hunt truly was.

It was more than just a group of girls that swore off men. It was a sisterhood. My sisters stood by me whenever I struggled. There was no judgment and no hate. Playful banter, of course, I wouldn't be alive without my sarcastic tongue, but a sisterhood nonetheless.

So that's why, when I heard the news that Percy and Annabeth had escaped from Tartarus (you don't even want to know my reaction when I found out they FELL into Tartarus), Artemis was more than okay with me taking a few days off the track to go and visit them. With a snap of her finger, I found myself on their flying warship.


Gods I hate heights. But at least I wasn't on the sea, Poseidon was definitely one of the better gods, but I don't want to push my luck with him.

"Hey guys," I smirked, giving the slack jawed demigods sitting around the lunge a two fingered salute. "Missed me?"

"Thalia!" Kelp head shouted in excitement. Annabeth helped him stand up and the two slowly started to make their way towards me, but I filled in the gap. I gave Percy a big hug before giving one to Annabeth. I ruffled Percy's hair for a second, making him playfully pout, before lightly hitting him on the head.

"That's for falling into Tartarus, you idiot!" I half-yelled, trying to sound irritated. I noticed Annabeth stiffen at the name and started to clench and unclench her hands. Percy started to rub her back and bring her back to reality.

"Sorry Thals and, uh, we try not to use the 't' word here," he told me after pressing a soft kiss to Annabeth's hairline. I just nodded before going to take a seat. I took a good look at them. Percy looked awful by his stance alone, not even able to stand upright. They both looked really thin and pale, scars and wounds littering almost every inch of their skin.

"So, what have you been up to?" Annabeth asked.

"We're tracking this monster. Been going out for days though and the hunt isn't making much progress. Kind of tired out, but it's okay."

"It's been rather—eventful—around here, to say the least," Percy said carefully, a soft playful smile on his face. I missed how happy go-lucky he usually was. Gods, Percy and Annabeth had already suffered so much. Quest after quest, the Titan War, and now Tartarus, and the Giant War. What more do the gods expect from them?

But I knew pity was the last thing they needed.

"Eventful? Send some of the fight down this way! The hunters and I are on it!" I told them, trying to lift up the spirit. They all looked so dead and tired. What had happened? Did I come at the wrong time?

"Hey Thalia? Can I talk to you for a second?" Jason asked. I hated how weird things were with him. I loved him, my baby brother, but I hadn't known him since my gods-awful mother ditched him and he found himself at the Roman camp. Even though I cared for him as a kid, he was a stranger to me now. Percy was more like a brother to me than him. I knew it made him a little sad, but that's just how the situation played out.

"Um, yeah, what's up?" I asked, clearly not getting the hint. He raised up one eyebrow and then jerked his head sideways.

"I kind of meant alone."

"Oh, yeah, of course, sorry. Let's go."

I got up to follow Jason, giving Annabeth's hand one final squeeze before following him to his room.

"What is it Jason?" I said, a little bit annoyed. I wanted to spend time together as a group. As much as I love sister-brother bonding time, now was not the greatest moment to initiate it.

"Thalia, you have to listen to me okay. I'm going to talk for a bit. Just don't interrupt," Jason started. I already opened my mouth to shoot out a retort when he just glared at me. I grumbled and motioned for him to continue.

Jason started to tell me all that he knew about Annabeth and Percy. What had happened down there, according to his knowledge, the panic attacks, what had happened the night before, and how all of them just returned from Sally Jackson's house.

Hades, wow.

It's just, um, I don't even have words.

"Jase," I whispered, my face stoic. "How, gods how do I phrase this, how are they sane? They look so fine out there!"

"That's the problem!" Jason stressed, running his fingers down his face while blowing out air. "They always SEEM fine even if they're clearly not. Unless they get a panic attack, something they can't control, they put on the act that they're fine! That they didn't just strut through literally hell itself!"

"Jason, this is not on you," I said firmly, sensing that there was another reason why he was so intent on helping them. "You are not the reason they fell. We are helping them and they will get better. Holy Hera Jason this is Percy and Annabeth we're talking about. They have carried the weight of the world on their shoulders since they were twelve. Hades, they quite literally carried the sky when they were fourteen. They're still fighting their way towards a happy ending and we'll make sure they get there."

Jason just nodded, though his face reeled with the information of knowing that they had actually carried the sky on their backs. What haven't they done at this point?

"Yeah, okay Thals, I just worry about them, is all."

"I know. Let's just go back there right now before they come looking for us."

The two of us returned to the couch. The rest of them had already moved on, starting to plan out more strategies for the final battle in Greece. Everyone was chiming in a bit, but I saw how they all held back, sneaking worried glances at Percy and Annabeth every time they were able to say something that may potentially trigger a flashback.

How must they have felt, actually? Seeing the two strongest demigods, Percy being the best swordsmen for the last 300 years, broken, traumatized, and bruised to the bone? The rest of the 7 are all young and inexperienced.

"Oh, good, I thought you disappeared for a second," Annabeth said, slightly relieved, while patting to the empty seat next to her. I snuggled in beside her and let her place her arm over my shoulder.

"Nah, I leave for literally 5 seconds and y'all move on. It's like there's no love!" I say dramatically, grinning a bit. I oddly felt at peace. I knew we were at the brink of war and the world was quite literally going to end soon (but wait, how does saying that make sense? Gaea is the world right? Huh...), but I still felt at peace.

I was with my family.

And I will fight beside them and for them till my final breath.

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