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We all surrounded the broken hero, looking at his seemingly lifeless body on the ground. Monster dust coated the ground and not a single one remained in sight. We all remained, down on one knee, as we stared at the mangled body of the boy we had once known and once loved. How could this have happened? How could I have let this happen? If only I was stronger, fought harder, I could have prevented this. The world seemed to rush around me and nothing seemed to make sense. I vaguely heard the sounds of people crying, but I was just in too much shock to even react to what had just happened.

When we arrived at the final battle location, the air suddenly turned somber. The anticipation of the battle had finally come to an end when we are now looking at it straight in the eye. We had to split up so that we could attack the central arena in all different locations. I was with Jason and Hazel while Percy, Annabeth and Piper were together. Leo was on the ship, manning the explosives from up high.

Running into the battle, I was met with a multitude of monsters, so horrid and so accumulated in numbers. I had never seen anything like this. Monsters big and small, ugly and somewhat prettier than others could be seen all seated and cheering for the awakening of Mother Earth.

We all started to subtly kill all of the monsters before it turned into a full blown attack. I shot arrows with extreme precision and nailed monsters one after the other, making them blow up into sprays of golden dust.

It felt good seeing that we were killing a lot of monsters, but there were too many. More than any of us could handle before they finally catch on to the increasing number of dead monsters and start attacking us.

Suddenly, when we started to lose hope in our situation — we were all getting really tired, our muscles fatigued and skin scratched by the monsters — when suddenly the gods decided to make an appearance. All of them showed up, blazing in their armor, and stood next to their respective demigod. Mars, or Ares, fought beside me, the two of us fighting with a sickening level of destruction afterward. Athena went to Annabeth, Poseidon to Percy, Aphrodite to Piper, and so on. Together, we were able to defeat lots of monsters.

But these were just the little ones.

We knew that we needed a god and a demigod together to defeat a giant, but there were just too many. That many giants on top of all the other smaller monsters was just too much.

I saw Percy make eye contact with Annabeth from across the area. She frantically shook her head no, briefly losing focus on the monster she was fighting. The monster got a good swipe at her and raked its claws against her shoulder, making her cry out in pain.

Percy snapped.

He glowed and raged with power.

Even Poseideon was shocked.

Percy stretched out his arms and, with a brutal scream, made the earth start to rumble. He pulled the water out of the ground and created a barrier, shielding all of us away from his attack against the monsters. We watched as he killed thousands of them, all of them disappearing to dust, somehow, even the giants as well.

He looked so powerful, so majestic, I thought his feet were even going to rise off of the ground. His eyes turned into a shining green and his hair swept from the force of his power.

It was effective, but so frightening.

The show of power had ended and, all of a sudden, Percy had collapsed. The monsters were gone, but our leader, our best friend, our brother, had fallen to the ground.

And he didn't move.

I knew that we had to go back to the ship. We couldn't sit here for the rest of our lives, though I knew for a fact that we had just wanted to just let it all go. Screw Gaea. Screw the gods. Why was it always our responsibility? Why did the weight of the world land on the shoulders of teenagers? On the shoulders of children? What did we deserve to be stuck with the fate of fighting battle after battle, war after war. Battles and wars no one has even heard of. People don't even care unless they are one of us.

What have we done to deserve that?

The hatred that started to settle in my heart dissipated at the sight of the boy in front of me. He would not have wanted that. Till the very end he fought for his friends, for his loved ones. He fought for his family. Not for the gods, no, he did not fight for them. He fought for his loved ones.

He fought for love.

He rejected hatred though it should have just been easy for him to hate the gods. They had put him through trial after trial. He had faced more pain than almost anyone I had ever knew. And yet he kept that smile on his face, hiding his pain and fear from the younger children so that no one could see it. He fought for a better future. He fought so that the next generation would not have to go through his battles.

I will honor his memory.

He will never go forgotten.

And then, all of a sudden, he opened his eyes and I saw a glimpse of that color I had thought we'd never see again.


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