TOY ᔕTOᖇY Oᖴ TEᖇᖇOᖇ (ᗷᑌᘔᘔ ᙭ ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) 🛁

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How I feel when I'm writing ^^

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

A young, panicked woman rushes by, pausing to check her surroundings. Between her heavy breaths a wailing can be heard not far from the woman who stumbles into a grave stone. A little bat flaps it's wings, approaching the fallen woman, is a flash of smoke the once harmless bat transforms into a vampire who is clawing out at the screaming woman with his fingernails. She whimpers looking over her shoulder at the dreaded threat who's uttering out her name much to her discomfort.

"Watch out!" The back of Rex's head pulls me out of my daze from being indulged in the old monochromatic film "He's right behind you!"

"Hey, down in front!" Potato head wines out, who's sat in the front row, watching the little television in the trunk of the car.

"Oh, sorry."

I refocus my attention back to the old movie, the vampire is now creeping closer to the poor woman who can not escape. Typical. I'm kind of wondering why Bonnie's young family owns such an old movie like this... "I'm coming to get you, Betsy!" The vampire creeps closer and closer and Rex's anxiety grows bigger and bigger.

"Run, Betsy! Run!"

"Oh, come on. There's no way she can outrun a vampire" Trixie, who's quite unimpressed speaks up.

Over to the side I hear Woody wave of Trixie's disheartening comment. "Oh, don't listen to her, Betsy. You can do it. Don't give up." I can't pull my eyes away from the screen while itting on top of the suitcase that Bonnie brought us in.

A jolt rattles us as the car had to of hit something on the road. We regain our composure, shuffling a bit and getting comfortable as Betsy on screen approaches an old mansion. "Help! Open the door!"The terrified woman thrashes against the towering oak door, pleading for a miracle.

"No one can help you now, Betsy." The vampire is inching closer and closer by the moment.

"Boring!" Potato head whinges.

"Patience." Prickle pants speaks, disagreeing with the potato's unwillingness to appreciate the film. "All great horror films start slowly, You see, they're designed..." Prickle pants begins to rattle on and out the corner of my eye I spot the potato pluck his gears out.

"Please, let me in!" The vampire was basically at Betsy's heels when the door finally flung open, to which she immediately slammed shut, locking it with a plank of wood. She takes a moment to look at her surroundings, adjusting from the fear and running she had endured. But of course she was easily spooked by the sound a porcelain shattering from the wind.

As I'm cuddled up to Buzz's side, I can hear by the edge in Buzz's that he's quite indulged in Betsy's next move. "Tactics, Betsy, tactics. Look for something to defend yourself with!" We watch her grasp an unbroken case, ditching the flower and holding it over her shoulder, ready to swing "There we go."

"Oh, technically, that'll be useless. Everybody knows a wooden stake through the heart is the only way to kill a vampire!"

I feel Buzz tense slightly along with me as a cat screeches at Betsy, who's pulled back the curtain it was tucked behind."Only a kitty cat. Classic misdirection." Prickle pants chuckles, enjoying himself.

"A cat? Come on, guys, this isn't scary." Jessie scoffs at our reactions to the little animal, but her sentance is cut off from more jolting coming from the car. Maybe the car was driving over a few speed bumps, or a pothole, either way it was harsh and tussled a few of our 'seats', and shoves me away from Buzz and I to a box which tumbles backwards, locking shut. I shuffle around a bit trying to find somewhere that would get me out but all I'm feeling is dark cold walls.

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