Uncle Scooby and Antarctica

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It was a cold winter's night in Antarctica. A yellow, spiky fin could be seen above the frigid waters as it swam towards the side of a cliff and a half fish/half human creature climbed out of the waters towards some sort of scientific facility. Three men were working outside wearing matching snow gear. At least, until they heard a sound and all three men turned to look behind them. The monster had broken through the walls of the building and was carrying an unconscious man over his shoulder. "He's got Dr. Zola!" cried one of the men dropping the box he was carrying with the other two men also dropping their work and getting to their feet.
The creature carrying the man over to a certain patch of ice and punched a hole through the ice before throwing the screaming man into the freezing waters below as all three men watched with a mixture of horror and fear.

"Volunteer work at the zoo, what a great job for Shaggy." said Fred eating cotton candy as he, Daphne, Velma, Cleo, and KISS walked around the zoo. "Yes, now if only we could FIND them." said Cleo taking a bite of her hotdog. "My guess is volunteer lunch break has no time limit." said Velma. "Oh brother, let's not even get into lunch when it comes to those two!" said Peter. "Hey gang! Like, I'm up here!" laughed Shaggy who was sitting on top on an elephant. "Uh, Shaggy, what are you doing?" asked Gene. "Like, this is Toots. She likes peanuts. And coincidentally, so do I!" said Shaggy feeding the elephant a few peanuts. "Two for you, one for me! Two for you, one for me! Two for you, one for me!" said Shaggy feeding peanuts to both himself and the elephant. "Shaggy, I think you're supposed to shell those before you eat them." said Ace. "Oh, leave him be, Celestial, you'll get no where anyhow." said Cleo crossing her arms. "And she also loves elephant jokes! Like, watch!" said Shaggy. "Oh, this outta be good!" said Paul. "How do you make an elephant float? Just add ice cream!" said Shaggy as both Cleo and Velma face palmed. "See?!" asked Shaggy. "I don't get it. How about you guys?" asked Peter looking at the others with a confused expression. "Float? Ice cream? Oh! I get it!" said Fred only to be hit in the side of the head with a fish. Scooby stood behind them with a penguin standing next to him laughing.
"Scooby!" scolded Cleo tapping her foot. "Like, that's Scooby's new pal Little Pete." said Shaggy as both Scooby and the penguin shrugged with matching smiles. "What a cutie! Is he new here?" asked Daphne as Fred tossed the fish back to Scooby to then tossed it in the air for Little Pete to catch and eat. "He was found in the wild and they've been caring for him in the zoo nursery." said Shaggy and Toots took him off her back and gently back on the ground. "Ah, there's Little Pete! I knew he'd be out here with Scooby." said Zelig watching both Scooby and Little Pete playing with each other.
"They sure look happy together." said Paul as Shaggy introduced the gang to Zelig.
Cleo did end up smacking the back of Shaggy's head as he asked about another lunch break.
"Sure, if you'd like. But I've gotta get Little Pete ready for his flight." said Zelig. "I thought penguins were flightless birds." said Velma. "Yes they are. But it's time for this penguin to go back to his family in Antarctica." said Zelig. "Antarctica? As in the South Pole?" asked Peter. "But that's so far away!
And Scooby's been taking really good care of him here!" said Shaggy as Scooby cradled Little Pete like a baby and feeding him a fish. "I'm afraid it's for his own well fare. He needs to be back in his natural climate." said Zelig as Shaggy, Scooby, and Little Pete bowed their heads. "But, tell you what. Seeing as though Scooby's been such a good uncle, and Shaggy's so good at taking care of animals, how would you guys like to accompany Little Pete back home?" asked Zelig. "Remind me again just WHERE Antarctica is again?" whispered Cleo as Shaggy and Scooby disappeared for a minute and came back carrying a couple suitcases. "Depends, how well do you handle the cold?" asked Paul making Cleo raise a brow.

"Hey, Shaggy, thanks again for asking the zookeeper if we could come along with you!" said Fred as they rode in a small airplane/helicopter dressed in their winter gear.
"Like, a trip wouldn't be a trip without you guys along!" said Shaggy. "And it looks like Scooby's doing a good job keeping Little Peter entertained." said Paul watching the dog and penguin play tic-tack-toe. "OW! Scooby!" yelled Cleo as he and Little Pete decided to lean their seats all the way back hitting Cleo and Gene and going forward again two or three times. "Scooby, if you don't cut that out, you and your little friend are riding OUTSIDE the plane!" warned Gene.

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