rules of engagement

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I walked away, I only sat up on the railings, it felt like a minute had passed but the sun wasn't up anymore, it was replaced by the moon and stars. I could see the brightest star, too bright, probably the Andromeda galaxy… I sighed and thought of my sister. I had no tears left to cry, It's the first time I shed tears at hogwarts. The first time I was true just like everyone was wishing. I heard music. It was from a common room, I didn't care which it was. My feet took me there, I ruined my braid letting my hair cascade my form and I threw away the cloak and the tie before I entered.

It was a Slytherin party. I simply took a drink and then another. In empty stomach it was already taking its toll on me. I started dancing to the music. I felt hands on my wrists dragging me away. "What are you doing here?" Cissie's voice, but Regulus' grip.

"Partying… obviously" I gave them half a laugh as my steps weren't straight.

"It looks like you are having a hysterical episode," Regulus sighed. He was helping me stand but it didn't feel like he was doing much… then again I wasn't in a state to see much.

"Just so you know. Out of all those death eaters we are in here with. I love you and Reggie the most, Cissie" I said and hugged Narcissa by the arms.

"Oh, okay I love you too sister but you are really unwell right now… and perhaps we should remove you before Bella or Evan see you here." Narcissa sighed and removed some hair from my face holding me close to her. Regulus was holding most of my weight.

"The second one is already burnt. Evan is approaching" Regulus spoke and sighed "Put her to sit…" Regulus sighed and stepped up as Evan reached them.

"I can handle him" I mumbled trying to break free from their grip

"I see my wife decided to come to our party" Evan smiled as I was sitting with Cissie. My legs were on her lap as I was seeing Evan push Regulus away, I couldn't hear their wards any more as my ears rang.

"Evan please, leave your wife to be isn't feeling that well…" I could hear Narcissa trying to reason with him.

"I will make her sober up real quick" Evan spoke and I felt foreign arms grip my waist.

"Let me go" I groaned trying to kick him but in real life I was moving in slow motion.

"Evan… I Don't Want to ask again"Regulus tried as he held my waist trying to bring down over his shoulder. I was looking around for my sister, I only wanted her.
rught now.

"Narcissa, don't let him" I groaned as I spotted her, with her boyfriend Lucius

"Rosier… Put Alcyone Black to the ground. as you said it's your wife to be… Not yet." I heard him say. I felt grateful, perhaps he did love my sister.

"Well you had your shot with yours, Malfoy. I will not be like Rabastan… Alcyone Black is mine" Evan insisted and I let out a cry calling my sister's name. She whimpered lightly and that was the sign Lucius needed before pushing Evan. I thought I'd fall to the floor but Narcissa held me. My head was close to her chest and I hugged her tightly.

"I can't do that Cissie…" I sobbed and she rocked me slowly whispering in my ear that I could talk when we were alone. Before we could be picked up I smelled another familiar scent as two arms,  just as small as mine hugged us both.

"What Happened?" It was Andy that came. My sobs grew louder and uncontrolled as I turned to face her.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry for the way I spoke to you… " I cried louder, hugged her tighter, she hugged back.

"Shh, how about we go to your rooms" She suggested and I nodded, turning to Narcissa.  I kissed her cheek. Narcissa stroked my hair, she teared as well kissing my forehead. Lucius placed a supportive hand around her waist… Who knew he had feelings.

Ted leaned down and helped me up as Andy kept holding my hand. We walked out of the party to see Regulus with Remus Sirius James Peter Lily Amelia and Marlene. I felt embarrassed. I detached myself from Ted and Andy. "Please leave and let me be… I just want to my room" I sobbed, wiping my tears.

"Then we can go together"Amelia suggested with a smile.

"I am not leaving you either, I don't care what's going on. Talk to me" Remus approached me and held me close to him. I couldn't resist. I kissed his lips deeply not caring that Regulus saw it. "Take me out of here" I groaned and he simply walked with me to the bridge I was before. He gave me his cloak as I leaned to his body. I smoked and he didn't comment as he usually did. I was calm now but we were both silent for a while.

"Tell me what is going on." Remus spoke, no judgment in his voice, only concern and fear.

"It happened last year a week after we became a couple…" I spoke up and turned to look at him

-Last year-

I was so happy. I was so excited to read the letter… I sat at the railings just before lunch. I didn't speak to my sisters, as we rarely received any letters from our parents. I unfolded the paper and smiled at the hand-writing of my father. But my smile was soon erased.

Dear Alcyone,

I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. The time has come for me to impart to you a matter of great importance, one that shall shape the future of our esteemed family. As you approach the culmination of your education at Hogwarts, it is only fitting that we make preparations for your future, one that aligns harmoniously with the legacy of the Noble House of Black.

Upon your graduation, you shall enter into a union of utmost significance, one that carries the weight of our heritage. You are to be wed to Evan Rosier, a promising young man of unwavering dedication to our cause. It is a union ordained by destiny, one that shall strengthen our ties with those who share our noble ideals.

You must understand, Alcyone, that this path is not one of mere choice but one of necessity. It is your duty to embrace the principles and beliefs of our family without hesitation or reluctance. The Dark Lord's cause demands loyalty, commitment, and above all, obedience. Any deviation from this path shall have dire consequences, not only for you but for your beloved cousin, Sirius, as well.

Consider this your final warning, Alcyone. Should you dare to embarrass us, defy your destiny, or tarnish our family's name, the punishment that awaits you will be as relentless and cruel as the darkest of storms. Your defiance shall bring disgrace not only upon yourself but upon all those who bear the name Black.

I implore you to think carefully and wisely, for your choices shall echo through the annals of history. It is my fervent hope that you will make the right decision and fulfill your duty to our family.


Cygnus Black'

My eyes were filled with tears,  the last time I had cried in months.  It felt as if I was in a delirium, my vision blurring from tears as I hadn't realized how close to the edge I was.  When I felt a pair of arms pull me to the ground. I turned to see James. Words couldn't be formed as the sobs and tears drowned me. We sat on the floor and he guided me into breathing steadily.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. I didn't know how long we were like that, sitting on the stone cold bridge.

I didn't speak, I simply shook my head trying to avoid answering the question, the words my father wrote echoing in my head with his judgemental voice. This thought wasn't enough for James, his eyes falling to my pocket as he dragged out the letter and read it. His eyes going wide as I shook my head.

"No no you can't tell Remus or Sirius… " I sobbed even more trying to get it back.

"I-I won't… It's your thing to do… Just… If I hadn't come Alcy… you were so close to the edge." James spoke and I hated to admit anything to him, but his assumption wasn't wrong.  I only shook my head. I didn't remember anything from that day other than that.

"I don't know. I- please don't tell anyone please."I sighed looking at him and he only shook his head pulling me in another hug. I could tell he was caught by surprise he didn't know how to react, how to help me.

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