The note and the war

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Remus, Sirius, Peter and James entered the Great Hall and noticed Lily and Marlene already having a spot reserved for them. The boys sat down and Remus' eyes darted to the Ravenclaw table, he couldn't spot Alcyone or her roommates, and Andromeda didn't seem to be there either. "Looking for someone?" Lily smiled, noticing Remus' darting gaze.

"Alcy wasn't very well last night, I just hope she is alright" Remus explained and sighed.

"Isn't Andy around? Or Ted" Sirius asked and looked around.

"Or Emmeline" James sighed.

"Emmeline wouldn't know Potter. Amelia would be the one we should ask" Lily remarked and rolled her eyes.

"Oh if we are to ask, I would represent us to the fellow Ravenclaws" James smiled and looked around again.

"Well it seems like no one is around. What concerns me is that she didn't come to the choir in the morning… And she was supposed to her tryouts for singing too beside the piano" Marlene spoke up and sighed sharing Remus' concern, who had his gaze stuck to the entrance of the Hall.

"I think you guys should chill, she only overslept." Peter spoke up with a slight huff. He added food on his plate. "I think we should eat, she is a big girl" He said trying to be objective despite the fact that she wasn't his favorite person. More like his worst.

"Ah there Emmeline and the girls" James smiled lightly sitting up.

"Alcy isn't with them" Remus sighed concerned, he was frowning.

"Don't worry  mate, I've got you. I am going to ask" James offered and walked to the Ravenclaw table and smiled lightly. He walked there confidently and sat down between Amelia and Emmeline. "Morning girls" James greeted and smiled lightly.

"Good morning James"Emmeline smiled at him "How are you?" she asked him, offering him a glass of orange juice.

"I am rather well, thank you Em" James smiled and took the glass, drinking the orange juice slightly. He noticed some hair tangled on her shirt, he gently untangled them. Noticing the ironic look on Amelia. He decided to ignore it.

Emmeline blushed, her pale skin was rosy, her green eyes flashing hearts as he touched her chocolate hair. "Thank you" She smiled and tugged the strand behind her ear. She gave him a slice with jam "In believe berries are your favorite" she smiled and offered it to him.

"Indeed, you remembered?" James asked her "That's nice of you" He replied and before Emmeline could respond, Amelia cleared her throat. Her hand made a small thud on the table.

"Morning Potter. I believe Em, here is not the only reason you visited our table is it?" Amelia asked. Her black eyes flashing with slight anger. Emmeline was her friend, and she knew how hard her friend was falling for some attention from the handsome James Potter. While James Potter only had eyes for Lily Evans. She would hate to see her closest friend hurt.

"To be honest, this is the truth. I was wondering if Alcyone was alright. She hasn't come yet and I believe you know where she is?" James asked he was expecting Emmeline to reply but Amelia didn't give up.

"Obviously we know Potter. She is in our room and she decided to have her day off. She said she was exhausted, I don't think she will be coming down. Besides we have enough food in the dorm."Amelia spoke and covered her friend therefore Emmeline didn't seem to have that intention.

"Well she did come home late, like five in the morning" Emmeline added gaining an a wide eyed glare from Amelia.

"Oh really Em, thank you very much. I am sure-" James wasnto say and Amelia shook her head discreetly. Amelia was the only one who knew about Alcy and Remus' relationship."Sirius will appreciate it" He completed his sentence.

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