7. the relief

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Sirius Black

I was sitting awake on the couch next to Moony's bed and there were so many thoughts overflowing my mind. Mainly questions for me and my cousin. Last night I got scared, it was usually the other way around and seeing my best supporter break down like that was like a punch in the stomach. How could i not know that she was so unwell. Yet again not even Andy seemed to know about it, not to mention Moony...

Moony, i was so glad and thankful that he proved his love for Alcy, he stood by her like she did during all those full Moons. However, i felt glad that she didn't manage to transform, that she wouldn't be with us those nights when Remus was a wolf, that it would be me instead if her. I wasn't concerned of her safety, I simply felt nice without her there. It made me feel sick to my guts and I immediately pushed those thoughts as I fell asleep.

Alcyone Black

"Love?" I heard a voice further away and I didn't respond, only changed side hugging the staffed animal I found close to me. "Alcy?" i felt someone to shake me and reflexively I stood up and curled further from the person inhaling.

"Hey hey baby... Its me" Remus' voice now seemed to speak smoothly.

I opened my eyes and breathed out before falling to back to the bed this time in his embrace, i was in denial of waking up, and my boyfriend knew about it. I heard his chuckle and smiled. My stomach was twisted around and my head was suffering a banging headache. I had a quidditch practice today and i had to drag myself out of this room have a shower get changed and join the Ravenclaw quidditch team therefore it seemed like an endless marathon, impossible to pull through.

Remus chuckled lightly and hugged me, fighting slightly with my hair to find my face. My arms were around him. "Alcy..." his voice tickled my ears with slight frustration. I have to admit I cannot resist a bed and a blanket. He aligned his voice to mind and kissed my lips, i hugged him around the neck and the kiss escaleted "there's my girl" he whispered in the kiss "Good morning" he greeted finally holding my silhouette into a hug.

"Good morning" I greeted letting my self loose in his arms.

"How are you?" he asked me, his finger gently caressing my cheek.

"Unfortunately alive at this point" I sighed and stretched, Remus winced, I didn't know if it was from the cracking of my bones or what I said.

"Come on don't whine, you have a big day ahead of you. You have to go to the frog choir, Marlene managed to convince Flitwick to give you a try out, for the lead." Remus announced and my eyes went wide. I shot up at the news. My head was pounding in my ears at the abruptness.

"No way?!" I exclaimed "This means I have to get ready then!" I spoke and threw off the blankets. Remus was smiling at me, I knew his eyes were pinned on my now cheerful existence hopping around his dorm room as if I owned the place.

"What will you wear? I don't think you have clothes here..." Remus asked me, I could tell by his calm tone that he wasn't actually worried about it, he knew I would find a solution. I was rehearsing to get a lead spot at the choir before we even thought of each other as something more than friends.

"There's this high wasted fabric pants James wore ones..." I spoke to myself and went to his wardrobe, I would apologize later for the mess, I found it hanged thankfully, I wore it quickly and took off my shirt.

"owow Chill, put that back on, the boys could wake up any moment" Remus intervened "Find what you want to wear first" he spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, I like it when you are possessive and protective" i commented and opened Sirius' drawer taking a black buttoned shirt and started wearing it.

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