iii. you owe me five dollars

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it's been two months. 

you've been gone for two months.

percy and annabeth have been together for two months. i remember when percy first came to camp, you bet me five dollars that he and annabeth would get together by the time they turned eighteen. i bet that they would by the time they turned sixteen. 

you owe me five dollars.

some would say this is romantic. me writing you letters even after you're gone. they would say that it shows how much i loved you. 

but it's not really romantic. heartbreak never is. and yeah, you broke my heart.

we had something luke. you were my town. my homeland.

and then you left. you turned on me, you turned on your family.

you turned on us. and now you're gone. 


exile , luke castellan.¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now