v. but he's not you

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i got a job. i probably shouldn't have. i should be helping annabeth find percy right now. but my dad insisted on it. he said that i wasted the whole last half of the year grieving and that it was time for me to start fresh.

i met someone knew. his name is charlie. he's a mortal. i met him at the ice cream shop where i work. he reminds me a lot of you.

he has a scar on his face. not as big as yours, but in the same general area. his hair is like yours, too. anyone else would have thought you came back from the dead. 

but not me. 

i know you. charlie looks almost the same. but he's not you.

however, the thing that freaks me out the most: charlie's personality is almost exactly like yours. he's friendly. he's charming. but he's also very on guard. he watches what he says. he has a sense of humor, but it doesn't show much. almost dry. like yours. he knows what's right and what's wrong. and he's willing to fight for what he thinks is right.

i don't want to like him. but i'm drawn to him in a way that it's scaring me. i can't fall for him the way i fell for you. if i ever lost him it would be like losing you all over again. 

i just can't go through that again.


exile , luke castellan.¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now