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Sitting in a room with Becca I frown smelling something sweet and musty like old dirt the
door opens and a tan hand comes in "Am I safe to come in?"

"Yes" I mumble knowing it's Leah.

She comes in looking at us both then whistles "Damn you both look good" she says laughing.
I frown looking at Becca who looks at me she's paler, red eyes, her hair is darker with red and
blonde highlights mixed in.

Leah steps closer "Come look at yourselves".

Getting up we follow her to the bathroom standing in front of the mirror, I see Becca and I
still look Identical but I have more red then Blonde highlights.

"We can't take them out hunting yet James I think we need to give them a few days to adjust"
I hear Victoria say calmly.

"Then what do we do for them to eat?" James asks.

"We will have to go out and get them people I've never seen newborns act like this, they
hardly speak and have latched onto each other" Victoria says sounding worried "Has anyone
see a newborn like them? Did we mess up when we changed them?" She adds.

"Maybe it's because they have two different venoms in them they changed faster then
normal" Eleazar adds.

"Okay everyone keep in mind they can hear you all talking about them we do not want them thinking we think something is wrong with them, they have exceeded multiple expectations it's not a bad thing it's impressive" Carman says.

"Of course they have, I'm just worried" Victoria hisses.

"Okay I know everyone here use to play with dinosaurs but they are hyper focused, I think
they have latched onto the one constant thing in their life and by doing so it's grounding them, they can focus because they have each other" Rosalie snarks.

"We are not that old" I hear everyone answer hotly.

"Whatever you all need to remember they are the second twins ever to be turned together,
only Six people have seen how a close twin relationship shows in newborns now, I think after
we teach them how to eat without making a mess then we can take them hunting like everyone does with any newborn".

"Rose is right" Tanya says calmly.

I look to Leah who smiles "Are you ready to join the family?"

Nodding we follow her out seeing everyone in the living room looking worried at the Human
woman that stays here, I tense feeling Becca tighten her hold on my hand I take a step back
pulling Becca with me making her focus on me.

Tanya stands up leading her out the door before closing it and coming back in "I'm impressed
you didn't attack her".

"She's nice" Becca grunts.

"You didn't attack because she was nice to you?" Kate asks confused.

I nod before looking around "Can we start learning now?" I ask.

"Sure we can start teaching you what do you want to start with?" Victoria asks.

"Controlling our gifts" I mumble seeing Eleazar nod we follow him out the back door.

Time lapse 2days

Dodging Leah's jaws I flip out of the way pushing myself into air over Tanya's head before I
run climbing a tree.

I drop forward dodging Kate's sneak attack grabbing her ankle tossing her away from me
before hitting the ground in a roll.

"Very good Bella, I believe you have learned to copy Victoria's gift" Eleazar says proudly I
nod smiling.

"Becca your turn" He say waving her out she steps out being surrounded.

I watch as Irina rushes her about to grab her before she's flung back into a tree taking it down,
Becca ducks Tanya kicking her foot out sending her into the air before she jumps following her, grabbing her leg she slams her back down being imbedded in the ground.

She drops to the ground crouched with Kate and Leah charging her I watch her roll out the way, causing Leah and Kate to slam together knocking Leah out on top of Kate before she
shoots forward grabbing Kate's head.

"Very nice Becca, your shield is improving" Eleazar says helping Tanya out of the ground.

James and Victoria call us over before they take off running I run following them feeling Becca grab my hand beside me when we get close to the city.

Slowing down we stop in the shadows of the trees watching as the sun finally sets before we
walk out quietly moving down the streets.

"What are approved meals?" James asks.
"Rapists, abusers, or Traffickers" we answer together.

"If you can't find any of those then what?" James asks.

"Dealers, murders or homeless if they are sick"

"Good, why do we only feed from those types?" Victoria asks.

"By removing the human monsters we can satisfy our hunger while knowing we helped protect some, but with sick homeless we end their suffering and keep infection from spreading"

"After feeding from criminals what do you do?" James asks.

"Check their pockets for valuables and if they have decent clothes or shoes take them"

"For what?" Victoria asks while stopping us in an alley.

"Put the clothes and Shoes in the donation boxes and give the money to someone in need on
the streets"

"Go hunt we will follow to make sure you don't lose control" she says proudly.

Nodding Becca and I walk down the street talking and laughing to see if any preferred pray come out.

After five streets we change areas playing like we're lost coming up empty, we both sigh and
just wonder around till we find someone selling drugs.

Becca walks like she's gonna pass him before reaching out dragging him into an Alley, glancing up I see Victoria motioning me to keep going I nod.

Heading further into the area I roll my eyes grabbing another dealer ducking into an alley
bitting into them, I quickly finish patting them down taking their money and I curl my nose at
their clothes but take the shoes.

Pulling my knife out I quickly cut the bite mark out before putting a deep cut across their neck and shove the drugs down their throat.

Smelling another vampire I spin crouching down growling at the dark figure hiding it's face.

It stands there watching me before charging at me I snarl as we roll across the ground,
reaching out trying to grip them the hood falls down as they pin me down, I freeze looking at
them feeling my instincts to protect my pray fade.

"Jane" I whisper looking up at her seeing her smirking at me.

"You shouldn't challenge a more experienced and older vampire" she taunts.

I push to raise up feeling her Adjust keeping me pinned "No, you do not move Bella you stole my meal before I could reach it".

"I'm sorry?" I say sounding like a question.

"You will be" Jane warns getting up.

"Can I get up now?" I ask as I sit up.

"Shush Bella" she orders before walking to the body I watch as she pulls a lighter setting his
pants on fire.

Jane grabs the shoes and walks to me holding out her hand "Come on we will drop these off
and find your sister".

I nod jumping up taking her hand following her happily I feel like I'm forgetting something
important but Jane will find it, as we reach the end of the alley Victoria steps in front of us
pulling Becca with her "hands girls" she orders.

We both grab each others hands "Apparently both my daughters decided to follow their mates
off where ever, while you are still leaning to control yourselves and your powers you are barely three days changed" she says raising her brow.

"Are you both thinking clearly now?"

"Yes Mom" we both answer.

"Jane we are at the safe house here please call the kings and see if they will let you and Alec
stay till they can safely travel further" Victoria says before looking at us "Girls home you
need to make sure Leah doesn't kill herself with whatever she's making".

Time lapse next day

"What are you doing?" Victoria asks.

"Watching Leah make candy" I answer calmly.

"Why did she order all that blood?"

"Candy" I answer huffing.

Leah smirks holding out a handful of suckers "Who's going to test theses" she asks.

I jump forward grabbing two handing one to Becca we both put it in our mouth groaning.

"Okay hopefully you don't get sick" Leah says happily.

"What exactly are you doing?" Victoria demands glaring at the suckers.

"They where whining about not being able enjoy suckers or candy anymore because it tasted like dirt, I'm just trying to make them sweets that can be eaten by Vampires, if I'm successful then I will offer them to the kings as a thank you for helping me with that lawsuit, hell maybe
it will become a popular treat for vampires" Leah says smirking.

"She made a ice cream too" I add proudly.

"Is this why you got sick yesterday?" Victoria demands.

"To much milk in it" I say nodding.

"Is this why Jane and Alec brought those ice chests?"

"Yes blood that was going to be thrown out because it was compromised or something" Leah says smirking.

"Where are they anyways?" Victoria asks.

"Tanya, Irina, and Kate apparently needed to have a private conversation to address some old grudges" Leah says frowning.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now