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Dropping our most recent toys turned snack at the port I frown hearing a frantic heart beat
and following the sound, to a cargo ship coming to a container I open it and frown touching the back wall taking a deep breath.

Digging it out I walk backwards laying it over the products to leave the country seeing a
Hispanic girl maybe 18 sat on a blanket with water jugs and some food.

She scoots away from me as I step closer "Hello pretty what are you doing in here?" I ask
easily slipping into Spanish.

Not getting an answer I reach out gently stroking her face with my thumb "It's Okay I wont hurt you" I coo.

"Jane can you change her?" I ask switch back to English.

"Why do you want her changed?" She asks sounding bored.

"Please?" I ask turning to pout at her "I'll take care of her I promise".

Seeing Jane glare at me for a moment before sighing she nods "I'll go get some supplies for

I giggle clapping my hands before sitting down in front of the girl "I'm Bella what's your name"

"Gloria" she whispers.

"Where were you going?"

"Going to America"

"That's cool"

She shrugs not looking at me "Not really".

"What do you plan to do?" I ask
She shrugs "If you could do anything even something impossible what would you want to do?"

Seeing her shrug again I lay down smiling "I'm exploring the world going anywhere I want I
been staying in the forest, there's three women living in a forgotten city their my friends they
been teaching me all bout the forest and the animals".

She frowns looking at me doubtful about what I said.

"It's really pretty after I leave there I'm going to explore a new place".

Seeing Jane come back with a change of clothes I smile clapping my hands as she comes closer quickly biting the girl and yanking up up so we can run.

Time lapse 4 days

I smile seeing the girl look around the forest as we run "Why did you want me changed?"

"I'm not sure really, I just felt like it was important" I answer.

Reaching the Amazon covens territory we slow down knowing with a new vampire they will
be territorial "Zafrina, Kachiri, Senna were back we brought a friend" I say.

Seeing everyone come from the cave I smile waving "Bella this is too many newborns and
you are not allowed to change anyone till your a year changed" Tanya says glaring at me.

"First Becca and I have great control foras new to this as we are, second I did not change her
Jane did but I'm expected to take care of her, and third I don't know why but she had to be
changed I just know it"

Tanya frowns looking at me "You just know it? What the fuck does that mean?"

"I don't know damn it woman I just had this feeling like she needed to be changed because
she's important"

Seeing her frown I smile pointing at Gloria "She's like a Banshee" I say giggling "oh she hunts different she uses some legend to hunt".

Seeing everyone looking at me confused "She said it was like La Llorona her names Gloria I
call her Glory" I say happily putting my arm around her shoulders.

Jane sighs "We should be ready in case Maria shows up Bella messed with her ego she will
want to prove her wrong".

"Of course you would go poke at sleeping war lord you are always messing with things that
should be left alone" Leah says smirking

"I do not"

"Tried to swim with sharks at the aquarium, stuck your hand in a snake hole, set Billy blacks
truck on fire, picked on vampires as a human, picked a fight with a wolf, and want to fight a
kangaroo, you have now messed with a war lord and plan to start a fight with who ever is
controlling the volturi while also plan to fight the Cullens" Leah smugly lists.

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