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Hearing someone approaching slowing into a human jog I frown spinning around, seeing Maria coming threw muttering to herself about plans.

"Oh look it's the has been" I say happily waving at her.

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT" she screams growling.

"Did you come to play with me?" I ask ignoring her yelling at me.

"I did not come to play with you" she hisses "I will help you fight the Cullens but we need to find a new Major".

"Yay she's come to play" I cheer clapping before feeling Becca discreetly touch my back "How do you pick a Major?" She asks.

"I need to find someone with military experience to handle training"

"All newborns will be taught how to hunt and survive without drawing attention Maria, no killing them just because they are no longer newborn" I order finally able to process and think without my attention span bouncing around keeping me running on hyper.

Seeing her glare at me I shrug "So the witch twins mates are twins and that one seem like she's got some human mental problems" she says smirking pointing at me.

"Bella had severe bipolar disorder as a human and a short attention span, her newborn energy has amplified it normally she's was like this but it doesn't last long" Becca says glaring at her.

Seeing Maria watching me closely Jane walks over putting her arm around my waist letting Becca drop her connection to me without leaving, I twitch glancing around before taking off after Senna who looks at me with fond smile while I follow her around talking.

"Think Aro on newborn energy" Jane says calmly.

"A hyper human on speed" Becca adds.

"I am not" I answer back before moving to check on Glory and Gianna, who Zafrina is helping make leathers like they wear.

Bouncing by them I turn heading to Kachiri to see why she keeps waving at me to come to her, she sighs pulling me along to teach me something new since they found out she can easily redirect me when I lose focus.

Time jump two days

I giggle seeing Jane standing on a tree branch in Amazon leathers with her face and arms painted, because they took our clothes and gave us these Jane glares at me as I step closer to her.

Reaching out I place my hand on my stomach "You look like Xena".


"Amazon warrior princess has a big ass sword"

Seeing her frown I roll my eyes smiling "A human show on TV".

She nods looking back out to the forest "How much longer?" She asks.

I shrug keeping my eyes on her "I'm not sure right now the Amazon's are teaching us what they know, I don't feel like it's time to move on yet I'm just following my instincts maybe" I end frowning.

She frowns at me glaring "It's like when I said we need to change Glory and that Maria was needed, I'm not sure why or how it works I just know that I'm following this instinct telling me who to trust" I say calmly.

Jane steps back crossing her arms "We are following some strange reasoning in your head?" She hisses "Your barely a few months old Bella still a baby".

"True but it's something Becca and I always thrusted it's had great results each time"

"Like what?" she growls.

"Like the day we met you and Alec in our dream walking I'd gotten this urge and wandered off at the park Renee took us too before she decided being a mother wasn't worth her time, I got lost this woman found me she had on sunglasses dressed like a cowgirl sounded southern, she was with a man and woman dressed similar Including sun glasses. I got scared but I remembered Charlie and Renee said if I ever get lost to sit down and wait for them to find me or find a cop and ask for help, I sat down crying because I didn't see a cop. The two women were really nice one sent the man off to get a cop and they both sat down by me telling me stories, when the cop came I was taken back to the park they followed us and told me to be care and not wonder off".

Seeing Jane roll her eyes I sigh "The next major time I trusted it was after mom decided to not be a mom, we'd been home for a few days and ran out of food. Becca and I wondered out of the house with the emergency money to go get food the store wasn't far but it was close to sun down, we found Victoria draining a guy and when she seen us she looked confused but asked where our mom was, we shrugged it off said we was going to get food she got us talking and we told her the house was out of food and Renee sent us to get some, we had twenty dollars but kids minds work different we were sure it was enough to get food, we didn't think about needing to cook when we got home Victoria popped up asking to speak with Renee thats how she figured out we were alone and started taking care if us, we trust this instinct because we have seen many times over the years it worked out for us".

Time lapse a few hours

Walking back to the coven area I smirk charging Maria stopping in front of her leaning forward, I quickly lick her face before moving back to Jane smirking "Great Bella claimed her" Leah groans shaking her head.

Glancing at Maria I smirk seeing her snarl at me "Calm down it's some weird thing from when she was human, from what I understand it means your her friend" Glory says in English, since Leah as started teaching her her accent is thick and her words slower but shes doing great learning.

I watch Maria wipe her face before turning and leaving shrugging I look around the group it's not time to leave but I feel like we will soon, I know The Amazon coven won't want to travel around the world with us and Gianna won't want to leave her mates.

Walking over to her I motion her to follow me leading us away from everyone "We maybe leaving soon your mates won't want to travel around with us and you won't want to leave them".

She nods glancing back in the direction of the coven "You should stay with them they are all old enough to help you learn and there is plenty to experience here when it's time someone will come get you all".

Gianna nods looking unsure "vampires search years for their mate look at them, The Denali sister, even Jane and Alec they spent so long waiting for their mates no one will judge you for wanting to stay with them any vampires, who find their mates so soon after changing are lucky Becca and I were lucky to know who are mates are before changing but you had no clue and have found them very early but they have been waiting a very long time".

She smiles turning to run back I sigh watching her running back to her mates, I still don't know why Glory needed changed but I'm sure it will be answered at some point.

Time jump three months

Standing back in normal clothes back  I frown looking at my clothes after so long in the leathers, it feels strange to be dressed like this again even Jane looks uncomfortable.

"Maria wants us to stop by before we move on" I say softly before heading to her bungalow.

Reaching it I see her smirking standing with a woman with bright red eyes "meet my new Major".

I frown looking at the woman she stands with the typical military at ease stance, I can tell she's sizing us up to determine if we are a threat.

"Where did you get her?" I ask.

"Military hospital, I checked out their records she had stage four terminal cancer I took her and changed her"

Nodding I look at my group "oh I now have a mobile phone" she says holding it out "I'll need a way to contact someone to know when we need to be ready".

Tanya reaches out taking it putting her name and number in before calling herself.

"Is that all?" I snark.

"Yes now leave my territory"

"Wow you almost sounded like the woman from the stories" I say smirking before Tanya gets us all to leave.

"We need to find a place to hide out till we can travel safely we can just make it to Texas before we need to wait out the day" she says.

Taking off running I frown looking around I don't know why I can't stop thinking about that group who found me as child, shrugging it off I focus on reaching Texas before the sun comes up.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now