Are we meant to be?

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Max has been planning this for several months now. After Bahrain, his performance keep going down, he always get p2 now or somewhere behind Lando, it seems impossible to overtake him when his infront and knowing that he's probably listening to Oscar's voice.

So, they're in United States go now, and he was planning to stop all of the thing that keep ruining his mind and sleep.

Oscar (soon) Verstappen

Hey, after sprint
Could you meet me at xxx?

Even Oscar haven't reply, Max still went to the alcohol store, buy the finest white wine and wait for him.

He got pole that day, didn't celebrate, was not saying too much in interview, but deep inside? His heart race more than f1 cars.

He settle all of the waiter in the restaurant, had book the whole place only for this moment.

Planned everything, the music, the meal, the speech, the ring. It was just now time to hope.


Oscar didn't reply to Max chat, didn't feel to.

But he still feel guilty if he didn't go. So he put some white hoodie and jumper and go there, after all he already expected it. Probably Max would tell him that it was better if they go seperate way, because if Max really want him back, it wouldn't take this long.
Oscar walk there, with no hope of getting back to his love life.

But as he enter the restaurant, there he is. Max with a black suit perfect with his black tie and kinda ruined hair due to after race. Standing in the middle with a bouquet full of chrysanthemum flower.

"I- uh-"



he first thing that came into my mind? Oscar was so fucking cute. He looks like a deer caught in the head light.

Max was not expecting Oscar to wear a hoodie and a jumper tho, but never the less, he still looks stunning.

"I- uh-" The boy stutter

"Um, I have flower. For you" Max hand him the flower which he carefully take it. One of the thing Max likes about Oscar, he always hold everything carefully and with love.

"Do you want to eat?" He ask, and Oscar just nod slowly. So, he took the boys arm and slowly lead him to the table

There it is, white wine and a pasta.
Their favorite food.

As they continue to eat in silent, Max can't help but steal a few glances to Oscar. It's been a long time since they're this close and Max feels like he's about to explode.

After they finished their meal, the opera band start to play a different song, and the realisation of what song it is makes Oscar eyes goes wide.

It was the same song Max use for his first proposal to Oscar.

🎵everybody loves somebody sometime🎵

Max stood, and so does Oscar.

Then he slowly let out a paper from his pocket

🎵everybody fells in love somehow🎵

"Oscar Jack Piastri, may I take your moment for a while?" He ask nervously

"You may." He reply, in the same nervous tone.

🎵something in your kiss just told me🎵

"So first, I wanted to apologize for all of the mistake I have made, the way this finally happening and I don't know what to do, and your brave action Oscar. It made me realise," He take a deep breath before continue

"You would have kept choosing me forever but I made you choose yourself because I couldn't get my emotions straight and instead of doing communication, I chose action.

And action was never our way of the first step to solve a problem.

I want to be honest to you, the reason I've been shit to you this whole time, was because I was jealous."

🎵My sometime is now🎵

"I don't even know why I'm jealous, I mean especially to Lando. We've been taking care of him just like our child, but-
I can't, I just can't help the feeling.

And that feeling keep being inside me until, something shifted inside me, when I hear you voice break when you called Lando. My jealous shifted to disgust.
Disgust to myself, to my action.

And that disgust, it shifted into realization. I know this isn't right and I'm willing to make it right again."

🎵everybody finds somebody someplace🎵

"And after a long life of being forgotten, unrespected, and alone. I crave it. I crave you, Oscar. I want you, as my partner in life and death, as my mate, as the one who I see first when I open my eyes in the morning. Because you understand me, you are the snow to my lighting matches, you are the walls to my bed, you are everything I needed in this life.

I had choose you, in any lifetime
So I will always wish, for you to choose me as well in this one." He get down on one knees

"Oscar, I know I have been a very bitch and annoying shit this whole time. But pelase,

Oscar Jack Piastri, would you be the fiance of Max Verstappen?" Then, he did what he always wanted to do. He open the ring box, revealing their engagement ring but with some new touch, and fixing.

"Can I ask one question before I tell you my answer?"

"..go on"

"You say that you would've choose me in any lifetime. But do you think we're soulmate in every universe?"

"Well, I'm sure there's one where we aren't. But I don't want it to be this one. So I try, and I hope you will help me to make it not this one."

"Alright. Max Verstappen, I, Oscar Jack Piastri, willing to be your fiance"

And that's how the night end, Oscar takes the ring with Max then family hug him and spin him to the whole restaurant.

The place was filled with cheers and happiness. And they finished their white wine with a smile on their face, the expression that knowing, their love life was saved.


It was the end of the race that afternoon. Lando was on P2 while Max, finally taking his position back in P1.

And Oscar was finally there too, to celebrate with both of them.

After receiving the trophy, and Pato with Lando was about to drowned Max in their champagne rain. Max get down from the podium,

He pop the champagne right on top of Oscar, then grab him by the waist before kissing him in front of everyone.

All of the cameras suddenly flash over them, with Lando and Pato joining to shower them with champagne and them kissing in the middle of the crowd.

It feels like the world just stop, like they stop just for them.

Max didn't care about what the media would say to this scene, for now, it was just him and his beloved, celebrating his awaken from P2 to become the WDC again.


God, they're finally back!
I kinda don't like this because this feels way too rushed but whatever.
I have to take a break since I'm having a flu, so take care guys! :)

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