The decision

753 16 4

Max woke up with a blanket all over him and a loud knock from his door.

What time is it? Where's Oscar?
Where's Lando? Who tf knock that loud?

As he slowly raises from his sofa, he stilled as he hear the voice of the knocker

"MAX! Fucking open the door! Why're you so damn slow?!"

His dad was here.

"Max! I swear to God if you don't open thi-"

The door flung open immediately, making Jos stumbled.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?! What are YOU doing here?? Fp1 is in 45 minutes!"

Max was confused, it's still a long time. And God, deep inside he really want to punch the man in front of him. But before he could answer-

"What was that on your arm? Is that a cream?? Oh." Jos stepped inside while grabbing Max arm, then he close the door before he grip on Max's hand tighter

"Why tf are you putting some cream on your scar? Is this your who're fault? Oh, what are you gonna do next? Put some makeup and lipstick then?! Does your little slut make you a femboy now?! I KNEW YOU SHOULD'VE LEFT HIM!"
And with that, Jos slap Max right in the face "He made you fucking softer."

Max stay still. He's mad, of course. But he doesn't understand why he can't fight back. He always fight back, so why he can't right now?

"Fucking answe me, does that little slut give you anything else than the cream? A bandage? A fucking make up?"

"N-no. Just the cream.."

"Great." Jos looked at the tissue on the table before he grab it and erase the cream on Max's arm purposely.

"If I see you using anything to cover or heal it unnaturally, I will make sure it bleed the next time. You should understand the punishment is because your own selfish self."

Jos look at Max one more time "I do this for you own good, you know that right Max? I know you know." Then he leaves Max alone again in the driver room.

Max, standing there. Heads down and arm become reds again due to the pressure.

For his own good? For his own fucking good??

He was way too mad to even shout or throw things now. So he did one simple thing, he cried.


"Max? You know you should report you dad right." Oscar was now leaning on the kitchen counter while looking at Max who's cooking for them tonight.

When he stop stirring the soup on the pot, Oscar shift. He know he's fed up with his dad, but it just-
Jos was, I'm sorry, Jos is his dad. He can't just report him to the police.

"If you can't report him, I can do that for yo-"

The soup was now abandoned, and Max eyes we're a glizters full of tears.

They went silent.

"... "
"... "

"You don't always have to be the strong Max. Sometime it's okay to ask for help, you know?" Oscar was now holding Max hand. Looking him in the eye with hope that he will look back

"I have to be the strongest, only then can I protect you."

"You've always been the strongest. Let me protect you this once" And he hugged Max. He hugged him and giving him a some pat on the head

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