Your Grace Under the Candle

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TW// This is chapter contain a smut scene in the end and some dirty jokes, so if you don't like it or uncomfortable pls just don't read it (if you're fine with dirty jokes and not with smut, just stop reading after you saw a *!*)

Oscar woke up with an empty space next to him where once there was a very handsome man lay down

He decided to go back to sleep until the handsome man he mentioned kiss his head and hold his arm from behind him.

Max was bending down, trying to get his fiance to wake up.

"Schatje come on.."

"5 more minute Max.. Please.."

"You say that 5 minutes ago, and 5 more minutes ago and- Mhm. It's been 20 minutes now. Let's wake up yeah? I already order you porridge, juice and some berries"

"Can I at least eat in bed?"

"Sure, but sit first."

As he take the porridge to give it to Oscar, he looks at his fiance for a while before going there and give it to him.

"You know, your hair is getting longer" He said as he sit next to him

"And you have said that for the third time this week." Oscar slowly lift the spoon to eat his porridge

"Kinda remind me of your time in Alpine"

"Really?" Oscar take a few strand of his hair and bring it closer to his eyes to investigate it "I don't really notice it.., I will cut it later then"

"Do you like it?" That question came out of Max mouth unexpectedly

"What? What do you mean?"

"Do you like it? Your hair being long?"

"I guess so."

"Then dont cut it"

"But you're literally the one asking me to cut it!!"

"Well, whatever makes you happy suit you"

"Oh fuck you Maxie."

Seeing his fiance pout, Max can't help but let out a laugh. Then he cup his fiance face and bring it closer to his face

"Now don't ruin your mood. You agree on a date today" He gives a very soft smile

"Oh yeah! I forget it. So, did you already pick a shirt for us?"

"Mhm, wait a moment" He leaps out of the bed to get something in the closet

As Oscar wait for Max, he put the now empty plates to the table next to the bed and play with his hair

"Here." After a while, Max finally comeback with two pairs of clothing

"Let me see~" Oscar was doing a grabby hand gesture but Max interrupts it "go shower first, then you can wear it"
He said that with a smirk on his face, which makes Oscar kinda questioning the clothes.


Oscar get out of the shower looking at an already dressed Max. He looks so majestic with his brown coat and black sweeter. At this point, Oscar didn't care if Lando going to lecture him on how brown didn't go with black, because God. It might be his favorite outfit on Max.

Tbh, through out their relationship in this 5 years, Oscar always think that whatever clothes will suit Max. (Expect skinny jeans, I think we all could agree on that one)

"Maxie? Where's my clothes?"

"Hm? Oh you're finished! Here" Max lend him a white long sleeve clothes and a light brown pants

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