Chapter 3

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Jimin was pacing back and forth while Jungkook was calmly sitting on the chair before the mirror as a makeup artist was correcting some makeup while a hair dresser was styling kook's hair for the photoshoot.

It is a photoshoot for a magazine cover so kook have to be styled in 4 to 6 different ways. Some are already done and for the next one kook just need some touch up on his already beautiful glowing face.

Jimin signed being irritated after seeing every staff working lazily, like hell, first they themself reach the destination late now working like the jeon Jungkook have been assigned to them for a whole day.

''Guyss, hurry up. Jungkook have another photoshoot after this.''

This made the calm director panick in a second cause there time is almost ending now but only half of the photoshoot have been done yet.

''But sir, you said Jungkook sir is free after this photoshoot, how can you just now inform us about this schedule right now.''

''Mr roy, even if Jungkook won't have any shoot after this that's don't mean you can take advantage of that time. He have his personal life too that he can only enjoy in his free time so informing his schedule never matters here. Please hurry up.''

''Jungkook sir, can you please extend sometime more, just 30 to 40 minutes, we just got a little late sir.''

The director asked Jungkook who looked at jimin for an answer cause he know he is really free after this shoot but if jimin has lied then it must be something important.

''No mr roy. I have work with you before also so you already know I am always on time, but even after knowing this you and your team start your work late. It's not my fault so I am sorry but I am only available for the decided time.''

Jungkook answered the director very professionally after jimin lightly shaked his head in negative.

''Sir, Please our boss will be angry on us. Please sir how will we print the magazine if the required shoots won't be done. Please sir.''

Jungkook felt bad for the director who was begging for extra time.

''Jimin, I think, we shou-

''Mr roy, you still have time, cover up how much you can cause jungkook's next photoshoot location is little far away from here so, we won't able to stay even a minute here.''

Manager panicked as he shouted,


Finally after half an hour the shoot was somehow done some click was still pending which manager have to cancel cause the time was over now.


''Jimin, why you lied?''

''Because we have to go home.''

Jungkook frowned at jimin's words as he asked worriedly,

''Why suddenly, everything alright in home? Did something happened? emmoa or appa called?''

''No, no. There is nothing to worry about kook. It just, you know you should be on time. You should enjoy your own free time too.''

Jungkook looked at his friend with disbelief.

''What the hell are you saying idiot?''

''Shup up, Believe me you won't be angry after reaching home, infact you will thank me.''

''For taking me back home?''

Jimin gave a nervous smile when he saw jungkook giving a *are you fu*king serious* look.

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