Chapter 7

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''Joon, my baby will be fine, right? Please I want my baby safe.''

''Shh.., jin our son will be all right.''

Rm consoled his wife who was crying in worry of his younger son.

Jimin wiped the tear falls from yoongi eyes as he said

''He is a fighter, hubby. He will be back to us.''

After 20 minutes the Doctor came out of the icu room and in instant he was surrounded by Jeon family.

''How is my son now Doctor? Nothing is serious, right?''

''For now he is on ventilator but stable and sleeping. He will wake up after 4-5 hours.......  Mr namjoon, I want to ask a question first.. Was the patient depressed or going through any emotional trauma?''

''No doctor, actually just 1 hour before he got to know that the person he love died in a car accident and after that he..he tried to k-kill himself. We were trying to calm him when he suddenly started breathing heavily while clinching his chest and fainted.''

''Mr namjoon, the patient had a heart attack.''

They gasped in shock, jungkook had always been a person and baby with no health compilation then how can he suddenly got a heart attack?

''B-but doctor he is too young. How can he have heart attack?''

Yoongi asked after he finally understand doctor's word which was too much shocking for him.

''It is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, its a type of heart attack which occurs when a person experience a sudden acute stress that can rapidly weaken the heart muscle and by the events you explained, it's clear that sudden news of his loved one death is the reason of this condition of him.''

''He will be all right soon, right doctor?''

Jimin asked with hope of not getting any bad news from the doctor.

'' I can't assure you. All I can do is prescribe the medicines for his weak heart muscles to get well physically but for his mental health, I think it will be better if you contact any psychologist.''

The doctor signed sadly as he knows this type of case is rare but also a deadly one but right now he can't say this to Jeon family which was looking so broken right now.

''Can we see him Doctor?''

Jin asked being desperate to see his son.

''Yes sure mrs jeon, but remember to don't disturb the patient.''

Saying that doctor left from there after giving the prescription receipt to the nurse.


Jin ran inside the icu room but the moment he saw jungkook, his legs gave up but lucky rm held his wife securely.

''W-why our b--baby, joon? Why he h-have to go through all this?''

Jin asked in his shaked voice as he stare at his baby's body where multiple wires was attached.

Jin asked in his shaked voice as he stare at his baby's body where multiple wires was attached

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