The Crashed Concert

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Biggie POV

"Everyone! Everyone! We're back! Oh, no." I exclaimed as I saw that the whole village was destroyed. 

"Biggie! You won't believe it!" Guy Diamond exclaimed.  

"Hello, Biggie." Legsly said. 

"We were attacked by Barb and her barbarians!" Guy Diamond exclaimed. 

"She took everybody to Volcano Rock City. It was scary. Rock me, Daddy. Mm, that's nice. Tiny Diamond stated. 

"I shouldn't have left him. He wouldn't have left me. Never, no matter how scared he was. I've got to go back." I stated. 

"We're coming with you, Biggie. We got to go save our best friends." Legsly stated.  

"But how? We'll never make it past security." Smidge stated. 

"We'll overpower them with muscles!" Tiny Diamond exclaimed. 

"Or... we could overpower them with fashion." Satin and Chenille stated in unison. 

Rock and roll!

We are in Volcano Rock City and backstage of the concert to find out friends.  

"All right, where do we put these things?"

"I need a circuit hookup."

"Okay, come on.. Let's go, let's go, let's go." I whispered. 

"Hey. Stop right there." 

"Legsly, I told you not to wear your anklet." I whispered. 

"Only Rock Trolls are allowed back here." 

"Well, it's funny you should mention that, because we are genuine. Hard Rockers." I stated as we came out of the shadows and posed. 

They posed like this! 

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They posed like this! 

One, two, three, four! Rainbows, unicorns Everything nice, yeah Sugarplums, fairy dust Everything nice, yeah  Brush your teeth. 

"Cool. Hurry up.. The show's about to start, man. Queen Barb's about to go onstage." 

"We're screwed." Smidge whispered. 


"So, Popcorn, where is this girlfriend of yours I heard about? You wanted us to be best friends?" Queen Barb asked me. 

"Y/n will never be your best friend and I'm not sure if we're together anymore." I stated looking at Queen Barb and then looking down. 

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I get it. Being a ruler can be kind of lonely. There's all this pressure to be a great ruler. And instead of real friends, you're just surrounded by people who just tell you what you want to hear. You know, other than your terrible taste in music and clothing and general lifestyle, you and me are the same, Popsqueak." Queen Barb stated. 

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