Chapter 2 : Scars

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I stoked the fire of the campfire flame then I sat back down against a fallen tree log. I looked over at the girls unconscious body and pulled her to my lap, I then pulled out my med kit from my backpack. I examined her wounds on her wrist, third degree burns with splinters. I could smelled the burnt flesh from here now.

How is she so weak? I put almost no fire into those chains, even a pup could handle it. Then again I can barely feel her wolf...

She was sleeping soundly against my chest, breathing softly. She was so small, so fragile, I could feel the blood from her back soaking into my clothes as I examined her closely. 

She was very small and skinny girl around my age, her whole body was like a pile of bones that fit snugly into my lap. She had very long light brown hair that shimmered in the light of the fire. She had two large scars that looked like slash marks on her left cheeks, most of her body was covered but all the visible skin showed scars or bruises. I could tell she also had a few broken ribs, a dislocated finger, deep cuts on her back and a bunch of other injures I couldn't even count them all. 

First things first, her wrists. I grabbed them softly, they were small and brittle, my hands was bigger then both of them combined. I gently put ointment on her wrist, I ignored the sparks that flew every time I touched her. I then wrapped her wrist up completely with bandages, just in time for her eyes bolt wide open. 

She jumped out of my lap and crawled a few feet away, before doubling back over in pain.

I went to my backpack and threw a small container at her feet, I called out,"Those are painkillers, take two of them."

The command seal took over and she flung into action, her breathing gradually lessened as she calmed down, she then looked down at her wrists, realizing that I patched her up. She then stared at me intensely.

I said,"We should probably deal with your other wounds soon, but we can take our time if you want."

She said nothing as she looked at me, her dark blue eyes bore holes into me, probably wondering how she could escape.

I then took out rations and gave her some,"Eat and sleep. We leave tomorrow at first light."

She hesitantly took them out of my hands, she then looked up at me, again waiting for conformation that I won't harm her. Then she dove into her food like it was the best thing on earth, she wolfed down everything in seconds. I wondered how long has it been since she last ate a decent meal. She licked her course and dry lips, I then handed her my canteen which she began drinking the whole thing.

She then scooted over to me, not by much but a little bit closer than before. I thought to myself, what the hell did they do to my mate?

That slave market had tons of creatures and things, it looked like they were captured from their homes and brought over to sell as product. I doubt they treated any of them with care. 

I then though of horrific and disgusting things they could have done, but I shook them off. There's no use in thinking about that now. Even if I did go back, there's no way I could track down that market again. It's probably half way across the continent by now.

As she handed back my bottle, I noticed that her hair was all messy and sticky, a part of it was covering her face so I pushed it to the side for her. She then flinch and submitted, groveling almost. That almost made me angry but that would only make the situation worse. I sighed and said,"I'll keep watch, sleep."

She took that as a command and was knocked out, sleeping on my shoulder.

The Next Day

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