Chapter 9 : Remembrance

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Gale's POV

The man Kane called Roan, made us walk with him, I carefully stayed behind Kane, trying to minimize my presence fully, by scrunching up and keeping my head down. I had a lot of practice doing so it became second hand nature, to act as a slave. We walked passed wolves on the streets who either growled or stared in confusion as we walked. Both Kane and Roan were in a middle of a conversation I couldn't really keep up with, but the conversation but it went something like this.

"It's been a while."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"So what are you doing now?" 

"Nothing of importance,"He replied in a bored tone.

"But you run a pack now," Kane looked at him with his eyes furrowed.

"It's only a means to an end. My life is dedicated to Blood Soul after all,"He replied casually.

I frowned, I swear I heard Kane mentioned that name before. Kane looked at the ground clearly angered, his teeth were clenched and he was staring daggers at the ground. I unintentionally held his hand in concern, he flinched a little, startled, but he smiled back softy to me to let me know he was okay. 

We walked over to a huge twelve mile long rustic style mansion with broken down walls and boarded up windows. It was a two story massive complex, complete with a non-working fountain in the middle and broken statues in left and an untended, overgrown garden to the right. It looked it like it once was an elegant noble mansion but now relegated to house a bunch of wolves who acted like savages. I could even see some pups vandalizing some of the walls in the distance. 

"So," The golden eyed man said without any emotion, he suddenly he turned around to look at me. I yelped a bit in shock, I was keeping my head down, trying to hide behind Kane, I thought I got away with it but it was useless. 

He looked me directly in the eye and said,"Who is this woman? No, that's not right... Wolf?"

Kane stepped forward, suddenly protective of me, he said,"None of your concern."

Roan glance at Kane and said,"Is that so?"

We then continued to walk inside the mansion which wasn't all that impressive, everything fancy or elegant was either, broken, shattered or burned. It looked like walking into a homeless hangout, with trash and sleeping bags scattered on the floor, random supplies put into unorganized piles. Part of the ceiling was caved in, there was a hole in the ground, the entire thing was a complete mess. For a pack house this was beyond bad, even mine which was only a small tent, was nicer then this.

Wolves began gathering around, looking at us, pacing the floor wondering what to do about us. They growled and snarled, one shifted wolf was about to pounce on us, but Roan eyes glazed over and the wolf immediately submitted. The others backed off, as he then led us to a different place, which was looked like it used to be a kitchen but is now turned into a makeshift weapons area.

He leaned on the broken counter and said while staring at Kane,"So what brings you here, dear pup?"

Kane gritted his teeth, I've never seen him this agitated before, he said in a low tone,"We were trying to do our mission before your band of mutts tried to kill us."

Roan starched his neck and said nonchantly,"We yes, I instructed them to kill rouges on site. As you can see, we are a newly formed pack so we are pretty venerable right now. Can't take any chances with outsiders, especially with troublesome people like you. I have to protect my pack."

"Huh?" Kane growled, he slammed the table, breaking it even more, he yelled out,"Lies, you never care about anyone but yourself or the damn cause!!!"

Huh? I thought to myself, what cause? Like a religion or something? I wanted to say something but I was too afraid to so I just watched.

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