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Chapter 12 - The Hoax

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The inviting aroma of freshly brewed Sticky Toffee Latte and the gentle hum of customers chatter fills the cozy Costa Coffee, providing a welcome refuge from the pelting snowflakes and hail outside.

As autumn's fiery hues faded, and November surrendered to the soft December, Dublin's landscape transformed, too. The streets now wear a cloak of pristine white, and the weathered stonework of majestic Trinity College I can see through the shop window is adorned with a delicate patina of frost.

Some tourists wander around the historic landmark, taking wintry photographs. The image of these carefree people enjoying themselves on holiday is a poignant reminder of normalcy.

A stark contrast to the turmoil that has engulfed my life.

I sit across Siobhan, her warm and kind smile radiating a comforting presence. Only two faint bruises on her neck linger as a harsh reminder of our experience with the shipment container abduction.

Siobhan scans my forehead and I can tell she's thinking the same.

We spent most of the day at the shopping center, trying to feign some kind of semblance of normalcy. A girl's afternoon out.

But wherever I go, whatever I do, the memory of that evening clings to me like a haunting melody, echoing in my mind, refusing to be silenced.

"I'm still trying to process everything that happened," I confess, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's been over twenty days, but every time I close my eyes, I can still hear those screams. Feel that cold metal against my skin."

Siobhan's soft hand envelops mine. "I know, Sandra. It's been haunting me, too. I try to drown out the noise waiting twice as much as before."

"Well, I don't have that luxury." I look away with a pout. "Liam won't let me go back to work. I feel so... useless. Like a piece of furniture. I spend entire days in his mansion walking around the rooms, chatting with the cook, helping to get the meals ready, or reading. This afternoon is doing me so much good."

"I think he's just worried about ye, sweetheart," Siobhan starts carefully. "Ye should have seen him when he pulled ye out of that container: eyes frenzied, lips bloodied. He looked like he would go through hell and back only to get ye out of there safely. Maybe he just doesn't want anything to happen to ye."

"If he cares so much about me and doesn't want anything to happen to me, then why has he been avoiding me? " I blurt out, my voice laced with a hint of frustration. "I simply don't understand."

For weeks now, I just get a curt nod in the passing or a cold salute when he's on his way out. Liam rarely eats or sleeps at the mansion anymore, either.

I don't even know where we're at when it comes to rescuing my mother, or where she's being kept. My pride won't let me ask him what is going on.

That's partially why I invited Siobhan out here today.

Her expression softens, yet she doesn't have an answer for me. "I don't know. Nico tells me they are swamped with work for Kieran. He does not go into details. He's probably just traumatized from it all as we are, Sandra. Maybe... he needs some time to process it all on his own?"

I sigh, my shoulders slumping in resignation. "Maybe. I just wish he would talk to me."

I don't tell her about the kiss we shared the night he rescued me. It's another thing I try not to think about too much: how his hot mouth covered mine, making me forget everything except the warmth of his arms.

Making me safe and sound.

Because I'm not sure what it meant, or if it meant anything at all.

Perhaps it was just a moment of weakness, a moment where two survivors clung to each other like a lifeline, needing to remind one another they're still alive, that they went through hardship together and overcame it.

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