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Chapter 16 - The Breakdown

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I had seen death countless times in my line of work as a nurse.

But this is different. This is violent, senseless and utterly personal.

This can't be happening. It can't. I won't lose Liam.

I rush to his side, staring at a lifeless body bathed in the harsh glow of the overhead chandelier lights.

But instead, I am met with Nico's familiar features.

I quickly place my fingers on his neck, desperately searching for a sign of life.

But there's nothing. His skin is cold and clammy beneath my touch.

My heart sinks.

He's gone.

A wave of grief washes over me.

I look down at Nico, his eyes glassy, his face pale and stilled.

He's gone. Forever.

The fact has me frozen in horror, my mind reeling from the sudden murderous savagery.

He... He shielded Liam from the bullet. He gave his life for his best friend.

Even if it is Nico lying motionless on the pale marble floor, and not Liam, it feels as if someone has taken a knife and plunged it into my own heart.

Time stands still for a split second, and so does everyone else around me. Then the once joyous ballroom transforms into a scene of pandemonium, screams and gunfire echoing through the grand hall.

I feel a surge of protectiveness for Liam.

"Get down! Now!" I hiss and pull him to the ground, my heart pounding in my chest.

I need to shield him from the deadly bullets dancing amidst the crowd.

Liam obeys, numb, but then he just lies there still, unmoving. His face is as pale as death.

I know he can't shake off the image of Nico's lifeless body.

I also know I have to act, to protect him from my mother. As soon as they realize the target wasn't terminated, they'll come after him.

But how can I do that when I'm surrounded by dangerous criminals?

I take Liam towards the half-crawl, half-slither away from the shootout. We're mercifully hidden by the wall of yelling guests whose lacquered shoes and high heels stampede all around us.

My hands are trembling, but I do my best to guide his path, gently tugging on his arm.

Over the din of chaos, one mournful cry pierces the air like a thousand shards of glass.

I glance back, knowing full well who that raw wail belongs to.


The sight of my friend, her white wintry dress stained with Nico's blood, her eyes filled with grief, sends a violent shiver down my spine.

She points an accusatory finger at me, her voice trembling with rage.

"This is your fault! This is all your fault!"

I can't bear to meet her gaze: I do feel partly responsible for Nico's death because it was my actions that set in motion the events leading to the shooting.

But I never wanted for anyone to get hurt. Never. No one. Let alone Nico.

She must know that.

With one final lingering look at the scene, I pull Liam towards the exit, my heart heavy with the weight of loss.

As we stagger outside the mansion, leaving the bloodshed behind, Liam stumbles, his legs giving way beneath him.

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