marraige ceremony and moving in

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Dija's POV
I was dresses as a bride by hasan's family's women.None of my family members where present.My dad had cut ties with his family after they hated on mom, and mom's family abandoned her for getting married to dad.

I missed my family,I was all alone on my own wedding day.I couldn't help but feel emotional.Maya , hasan's cousin came to me, holding her phone up.

Dija:are you recording me?
Maya:no it's a video call.
Dija:who is it.
Osman:so you don't remember your own brother.

Dija: brother!(I took the phone and looked at the screen.My brother looked so handsome in his attire)
Osman:you look so beautiful dear,am so sorry I couldn't be there.
Dija: it's alright,you are out saving the world.
Osman:you are more important to me.I will be on the video call to watch you getting married,but I can't be on the call, after,am sorry.

Dija:it's okay brother,as long as you are here, wether physically or virtually,I don't care, because I still see you.
Osman:you should thank your future husband,he made this happen.He is a good man,Dija,you made the right go get him.

I couldn't love Hasan any more.My phone beeped and it a another video call,I answered only to find my mom in bed.She was still in a coma but someone was recording her.

I really needed to see her too.I rushed down with Maya on my tail .All eyes on me,but I couldn't help the happy tears that filled my eyes.

Maya brought me to sit by the women side opposite the men.There was a veil separating us.I could still see hasan's brown eyes.

We got married.Immediately we were announced as husband and wife,I rushed to him and hugged him as the people around us clapped.

Dija:that was the best wedding gift you could ever give me.
Hasan: anything for you dear wife.

We went to celebrate.

Sadik's POV
My son finally got married yet I couldn't help but feel sad that he married the woman I had found interest in.

She wasn't mine to begin with but she captured my heart and made me hers.She was now definitely off limits now yet I wanted her more, because she had stolen my heart,I wouldn't let her leave me just like that.

But what could I do?I couldn't break them apart.This was my son's happiness we were talking about here.It was either my son,or my own happiness.

As a father my son's happiness should come first,but I feared this was going to the be hardest I could ever take as a father.

After the ceremony,I watched as her and Hasan brought her things in.Their room was two rooms away from mine.This wasn't going to end well for me.

My son and I were pretty close,I was not going to ruin things because of a woman.

That night I couldn't sleep, I came out to take walk when I heard explicit sounds from my son and his wife's room.

This broke me, because I knew what they were doing

INLOVE WITH MY DAUGHTER IN LAWWhere stories live. Discover now