strict mother in law

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Dija's POV
Yesterday was the best day of my life and I was glad to be intimate with the man of my dreams.

I was up at the same time as Hasan.We coincidentally had the same time we wake up to because of school.we both got ready and came down.

Breakfast was already made by the maids.We sat down.
Dija: I wish I woke up earlier,I would have made breakfast for everybody.(hasan's mom came in)
Ruqi: why didn't you,do you think this is your parent's house?

Ruqi:no son,I get it, she is your wife,I get it.but things need to be said.As a daughter in law you didn't wake up early to cook for your own family.
Dija:am so sorry mother,I was up studying for school.I can cook in the evenings and I will see if I can cook in the mornings.

Ruqi:look at this,did your parents ever teach you the duties of a woman.(father in law came in )
Sadik:you are one to talk ruqayah.When was the last time you cooked for us?
Ruqi: it's been long but that doesn't mean I don't often do it.

Sadik: true, but that's not enough,for the daughter in law of this family.
Ruqi:am now a mother in law,the duty falls into her.
Sadik:you have to understand that she has studies.
Ruqi:why does she need to study,when her husband's family is wealthy? She should focus on building a home.

Hasan:she will,we both will.any work that is available, we will do it.
Ruqi: don't be a simp ,son.
Dija:he is not being a simp mother,he is being a supportive husband.As I said I will gladly cook in the evenings and help with the house work but please bear with me,my husband and I never agreed on me being a house wife.

Ruqi:so who should do the chores?
Sadik:the maids offcourse,or do you want to do it?(she became silent. We ate in silence.After I helped the maids with washing the dishes even though I was running late)

I was prepared for this,I knew I was married now, things would get tough.Am only fortunate that there are sevants to help me.Hasan held me from behind.

Hasan:you don't have to do this
Dija:let me.
Hasan: it's because of mom, isn't it?
Dija:no I want to be helpful,after all am building my own home.
Hasan:our home,I will grab a sponge.
Dija: no,am almost done and you have done enough for me.

Hasan:I can't wait for our honeymoon,I want to spoil you rotten.(I turned to him and giggled as he kissed the top of my head)

Sadik's POV
I stood there watching my son kiss her on the forehead, what more could I want in life?I already have a wife,a son,a successful business,why do I need to have the feel, to go after my son's wife to be satisfied?

I will never be satisfied because am a sick man.

INLOVE WITH MY DAUGHTER IN LAWWhere stories live. Discover now