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Sadik's POV
I don't mean to be like this,yet I am.I walked out and went to an imam to confess.
Imam:what seems to be the matter?
Sadik: I think I have feelings for another woman.
Imam:then marry her and make her your second wife.

Sadik:you don't understand, she is already Married.
Imam:then am sorry,she is off limits.You are both married, and married people who commit adultery,commit the worst kind.So you need to stop thinking about her.

Sadik:how can I ?when she lives in my house.
Imam: what?how can someone's wife live in your house?
Sadik:she is my son's wife,my daughter in inlove with my daughter in-law.

(The imam got up surprised)
Imam:you better be careful sadik,you better not bite off more than you can chew.You already have a history.
Sadik:what history?
Imam:umm, nothing.Just why do you think of your own daughter in law in such a way?

Sadik: I can't help it, and it's not by just happened.
Imam:you need to forget about such things,you are a Muslim for heaven sake,a father at need to take your mind off her, focus on work your wife and Islam.Read the Quran,give alms.Allah will make a way for you.

I hope so.That evening,true to her words Khadija cooked.her food was so heavenly,it smelled like home.
Sadik: this is very good, dear.
Dija: thank you Father,it's my mom's recipe.
Hasan:am married to a chef.
Dija:you might get fat if you don't stop eating at this rate.
Hasan: I can't help it.Your food taste so good.

Dija:how do you like the food mom?
Ruqi: it's not impressed.
Dija: thank you mother.

Is it her cooking? because I kept getting drawn to her.The way to a man's heart was through his stomach, she was already in my heart,but now she owned it.I feared alot, because now I was her prisoner.

Dija's pov
later in the night I was up studying with a flashlight,I didn't want to disturb hasan's sleep.I run out battery as the flashlight went off.

I turned on my phone, walking out looking for the basement of the house I wasn't familiar with.I bumped into somebody hard.The person held me to study me.

It was father in law.
Dija:am so sorry father,I didn't see you there.(I tried to move out of his grip yet he still held on,this made me uncomfortable as he stared at me intently.He soon let go)

Sadik:am so sorry, forgive me, I wasn't paying attention.What are you looking for?
Dija:umm,batteries for the flashlight.
Sadik:oh follow me,I know where they are.

(I don't know why I had a strange feeling whenever I was around father in law.We entered his office.he got the battery,and brought them to me but he stood too close to me.)

Hasan walked, making me walk away from his father, because they way we stood so close could tell a far different story from what it looked like.

INLOVE WITH MY DAUGHTER IN LAWWhere stories live. Discover now