(the story continues)i want a divorce

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Sadik's POV
My mind was made up once I set my eyes on ruqayah.She was very beautiful,I couldn't resist so I married her.Zara didn't show up to the wedding which made me rethink my idea,I was in a way helping the both of us, right?

I started spending time with ruqi,it was fun at first,then I became bored with her,I realised that it was only physical attraction, and now that , that attraction is gone,I didn't want ruqi anymore.

What have I done?in a bid to fulfil my own desires ,I ruined two women's lives.Zara looked miserable the past weeks.I ruined her.

I wanted to make it up to her,but how could I divorce ruqi just a few months of marraige?

Everytime I got to spend with ruqi, she was always tired.We never spent time like we used to, and when I tried to go to ruqi,I felt empty.

Many have been able to live with spouses they don't love,so why was this so hard?it was because I was too much inlove with her.I needed to fix things.

An opportunity came when Zara got sick and couldn't go to work.I took my time to take care of her.

Zara: thank you.
Sadik:you are my wife,after all.
Zara: about that,I want a divorce.(I froze) I am no longer happy in this marraige.I have tried to be patient for months but I can't.I am not perfect,I am a neglectful wife and am so sorry for that.You can get more wives after me.

Sadik: I only want you.
Zara:then why did you get another wife?
Sadik: I made a mistake okay,I will fix things.

Zara: it's too late dear.You know how introverted I am,I don't like my intimacy being invaded by other people,in this case a second wife.You knew me as a child,even as friends,I didn't want anybody else calling you their friends, and with my parents,I didn't like anyone else calling them mom or dad.

Your second wife has been talking to my son and I don't like it.(tears came down her face) I am his mother,he doesn't need another one.I am a neglectful mom at times,I get that but that doesn't mean he needs a second mom.am here,I may have been forced to share my husband but I won't be forced to share my son.grant me my divorce and set me free.

Sadik:I can't let you go.I will divorce her.
Zara: never, she is innocent,she deserves better.But with me, it's too late.I can't bring myself to live like this.not every woman can handle polygamy, and I know my Allah,he will never force me to do something I can not do this and make me happy.

Sadik:you can't leave me Zara,I promise you,I will never let you leave me, never.I will make you happy I promise but I can never ever let you go.You are mine.

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