Chapter 1

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In one of the Cafes in the Kingdom of Vale, Jaune Arc can be seen sitting by a Table that overlooks the City. It is the middle of the Afternoon as he got a call from his Family that they wish to speak with him. Jaune feared it may be about his Transcripts and they are here to bring him home then punish him for disobeying the Clan's orders. But that is not the case.

Jaune drinks his Cup of Coffee as he looks at a number of Individuals that have gathered in the Table, the first is a Man that has long, blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He often wears a long dark blue coat with gold shoulder pads on it over a suit and tie, a purple shirt and gold and black tie. This here is Belze Rochefort-Arc.

The second is a Woman who has long, wavy ash blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She has the Roman Numeral I tattooed on her forehead, outlined by a lightning bolt on each side. She wears gold shoulder pads and a pink suit jacket with a long, flowing skirt. She is Sephiria Arc.

The third is a Man with spiky, blonde hair, kept up by a red Bandana. His numeral is X, which can be found on his Chin. He has blue eyes, and wears a red undershirt with a black suit. Under his bandanna he has a giant, X-shaped scar on his face. This man here is Ash Arc.

The forth is a handsome young Man with shoulder-length dark-green hair that has bangs hanging on the left side, light brown eyes and normally has a smile on his face. He wears a black suit over a purple dress shirt without the gold tie. He is Jenos Hazard-Arc.

And the last is a young Man with short brown hair and striking gold, cat-like eyes. He possesses his trademark, XIII Tattoo on his left collar-bone. He wears a long, black trench coat over a black dress shirt and black pants. He is Train Heartnet-Arc.

The five of them stare at Jaune as he starts this conversation up.

Jaune: So, instead of us having a staring contest. I'm going to cut to the chase and say the Elders or maybe even my Parents want me back and presumably punish me for disobeying the Elder's orders?

Belze: No, Jaune. This is something else, something we know we have been waiting for.

Sephiria: Jaune, do you still remember that day? The day you got the Power known as the Gamer?

Jaune had a look of shock, with his eyes widening, he knows what the Gamer is, and remembers the day he acquired that Power. 

Flashback: 10 Years Ago

In the Home of the Nicolas and Juniper Arc Family, a 7 Year Old Jaune bursts into his Room in anger, throwing a Wooden Sword at the corner, causing a mess as his items in the Room start crashing to the floor. He is angry, very angry right now.

His Parents have denied his training yet again, even if his Uncle Belze has been training him in secret, his Twin Sister, Alex found out about it and told his Parents. He remembers his Dad and Mom arguing with his Uncle, which led to Belze storming out of the House, then in her anger, his Mother, Juniper, grounded Jaune for the entire month.

Jaune: Ugh! This is so unfair! Why does Alex get to be trained and I can't!? This is unfair!! I hate it!!

He kicks another piece of item in his Room as it hits the wall. When all of a sudden, a Digital Screen appears in front of Jaune, shocking him as he fell flat on his ass to the Floor, not believing what he is seeing. Jaune gets up on his feet and looks at the Digital Screen hovering in front of him, as he reads what it says on screen.

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